The Return of Superman - Eunchae's Visit to Naeun, Gunho and Jinwoo!

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"we have a old friend whose coming to visit eden," anna informed her daughter, standing in the kitchen preparing a meal for said guest. her young daughter runs into the space, walking towards her mother and standing by her legs, looking up at the older female. "they've been super busy so they couldn't visit us."

"is it kwanghee samchon?" naeun asked her mother, following her movements as anna moved around in the kitchen, later asking her daughter for help in which naeun was more than happy to help with.

"why would you think its kwanghee samchon?" anna asked naeun, continuing her cooking of an omelette for the kids and guest. naeun replies saying she likes kwanghee and finishes the task that her mother gave her.

just then, the doorbell of their apartment rang throughout the home, the small feet of naeun, gunho and jinwoo rushing towards their front door being heard as anna made way to answer it. the door opens to reveal eunchae dressed in a pair of light-wash jeans and a red sweater — the front of it tucked into her jeans and a pair of boots on her feet. smiling, eunchae beams at the three children who cheers her name. "hi babies!!" she beamed, picking up naeun and kissing her cheek repeatedly before letting her down and picking up gunho who giggles as eunchae kissed his cheek.

"chae noona/unnie!" naeun and gunho beams at the idol as they further walked into the apartment, jumping around as eunchae placed gunho down and followed anna into the kitchen, which the kids followed.

"hi how are you?" eunchae greets anna, hugging her and adjusting her hair as she stood in the kitchen with the blonde-brunette.

"i'm good. tired," anna laughed as eunchae smiled. "i made some breakfast. did you eat?" she asked the idol, the two of them and their kids following behind the two adults as they sat down at the table where the food was set, ready to be eaten.

"i haven't eaten yet actually, thanks," eunchae beams at the older female who returned the gesture. after breakfast, anna had left to go run errands and have some time alone and away from the kids, leaving eunchae with the children who were more than happy to be around the idol. "eden, how's school?" eunchae asked the small girl in english, her hands gently grabbing naeun by the waist as the girl stood between eunchae's legs.

"good!" naeun beams, leaving eunchae's grasped and running around with her younger brothers. the idol smiles at the kids and stands up, heading to the kitchen and places her phone down onto the counter top.

"kids, do you want to make cookies with me?" eunchae called to the three park siblings who excitedly ran over to where she stood in the kitchen, nodding their heads. chuckling, eunchae washes her hands and tells naeun and gunho to wash theirs whilst she prepared the ingredients. "okay, everyone washed their hands?" the two older kids nodded as eunchae placed jinwoo in his baby walker for his to run around in.

the singer placed naeun onto the counter where she sat and allowed gunho to stand beside her on their foldable steps and asked for their assistance in making the cookies. "unnie, why haven't you been visiting us?" naeun suddenly asked as she stirred the flour into the mixed wet ingredients.

humming, eunchae adjusts her tied hair and smiles, booping naeun's nose. "i've been busy with work. i have to sing and dance a lot so i don't have the energy to visit," eunchae kindly explained to the young girl who nodded, informing the older that she was done mixing. "wah! good job eden!" the black-haired female complimented before turning to gunho and handing him a bag of chocolate chips she found in their pantry. "okay, aciel now sprinkle as many of these in," she explained to the young boy who followed her instructions.

the continuation of the cooking making went peacefully as eunchae, naeun and gunho cut out random shapes with the cookie dough before the singer's phone went off with the contact: baby 💙 being displayed on the screen. naeun — being the closest to the technology, grabs ahold of it and hands it to eunchae with two hands, respectfully. thanking her, eunchae answers and places the phone call onto loud speaker as she finished up with the cookie dough, helping naeun off the counter as her and gunho ran to play with jinwoo. "hi baby~" eunchae greets lightly, placing the cookies onto the baking tray and into the oven for baking.

"hello, where are you right now?" san asked his girlfriend who hummed, leaning over the counter to check on the kids before beginning to clean up the mess her and the teo older park siblings made — informing him of her whereabouts. "ah, park jooho-nim's apartment. why are you there?"

"i'm looking after their kids for a while before anna comes home," eunchae explained, still cleaning the dishes before naeun came running into the room, tugging at the idol's pants. glancing down at the smaller figure, the older female smiles and asks what naeun needed in which the young girl wanted to know when the cookies would be ready. chuckling, eunchae answers: "they'll be done soon but once they come out the oven we must let them cool or else they'll be too hot," she said.

"you made cookies?" san's voice asked from her phone, eunchae smiling as she hummed to answer him. "do i get some?"

"no it's for the kids sanie. i'll make you some later when i come home," she chuckles at the male who she imagined to be pouting by her statement. "i have to go but i'll call you again tonight."

"okay, love you!" eunchae exchanges the same words with a smile and ends the call, checking on the cookies to see they were ready to take out and cooled down. after giving the cookies time to cool and handing a plate to naeun to bring into the living room to share with everyone, anna returns to the warm scent of freshly baked cookies.

"welcome back, i have to go now," eunchae frowned at anna who thanks her for watching over the kids, calling them over to bid the idol goodbye. "bye babies, i'll try to visit again some day!" waving, eunchae placed on her boots and exited the apartment with her phone and bag in hand.

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