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Eunchae sat in the practice room at KQ Entertainment, sitting in front of the mirror as she watched Ateez practice by themselves. It was really peaceful till an unexpected guest arrived. Of course, Eunchae was shocked and confused as to why she was here as she thought she would be at JYP practicing but who was she fooling.

"Hi everyone! I'm Hani! I'm a new trainee~ I hope we get along!" the newly dyed brunette bowed politely to Ateez and Eunchae. "Oh? Unnie! I didn't know you were here," she discreetly smirked at Eunchae, somewhat taunting her as she said the word: unnie.

The members of Ateez glanced at Eunchae who shrugged and stood up, heading over to her boyfriend and hugging his sweaty figure. "Is she meant to be here?" San whispered to his girlfriend who gave him a small inaudible no. "Um, hi," he waved as the members began introducing themselves to her.

San had told the boys of the girl after meeting her at JYP and since then, they weren't exactly wanting to befriend her as a trainee or possible new member. "Hi Hani-ssi," Hongjoong forced a smile onto his face. "Um, right now we're in practice but if you go to the room next door, one of our teachers can start you off with your training," he instructed nicely.

"But manager oppa said to stay and learn from Ateez oppa!" she smiled brightly, trying to seem innocent. "I'm a big fan!" she giggles.

"Ah, thank you," once again the leader spoke with a fake laughing following after. "But right now we're busy so can you please go to the next room and practice yourself? Maybe warm up?" he asked, pointing to the door politely.

Hani pouted and stomped out of the room, letting Ateez and Eunchae release a sigh of relief. "I don't know why she's here but it's scary," Eunchae commented, hugging San's torso. "Is she following me?"

"Didn't you say you've been feeling like someone was watching you since you moved out of the dorms?" Raehyun asked from her spot on the dance room floor.

Eunchae nodded at her best friend. "Yeah but what does that have to do with her?" she raised an eyebrow, releasing San from her grip and sat down beside the raven-haired female.

Raehyun shrugged. "Just an assumption," she shrugged.

Suddenly a phone went off and judging from where the sound came from, it was Eunchae's phone. Of course, San being the closest to the object, picked up the technology and checked it before handing it over to the girl with a straight face. "Maybe she is what we're thinking."

Eunchae gave him a confused face before checking her phone. Her eyes widening at the message she had received.

Unknown Number
stay away from my man
or else you'll be dead

a/n : hi um ilysm, like
i love how protective
you guys are over
eunchae it warms my
heart 🥺

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