"I have a sasaeng fan"

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eunchae's pov

Lately I've just been apartment looking but I always had a weary feeling around me whenever I leave the dorms. Was I creeped out? definitely. Did I tell someone? Yes of course I did.

I just finished looking at one of the apartments and I noticed that figure that was following from two nights ago. Again, they were wearing baggy dark clothing so it was difficult to identify the gender but nonetheless, I tried my best to avoid them but I feel like, the more I try and escape this person, they always end up near me again despite me turning almost every corner.

I stopped at the next apartment complex and the figure was still there. I got fed up with them following me so I turned to them with crossed arms. "Can I help you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I know they can hear even if they're like almost five feet away from me. "Or are you going to keep following me?"

They didn't respond so I shrugged and continued on with my day, still bothered by the stalker that was following me. I sighed heavily as I greeted the landlord to the next apartment with a smile and informed her of the person following me and apologised for causing any trouble. "Oh its fine my dear," the landlord said with a soft smile. "You're a celebrity I would expect these kind of things," she continued.

I gave her a soft smile and bowed in gratitude and followed her into the apartment, making sure the stalker did not notice us. "This place is really pretty~" I hummed, walking around the apartment and taking in the beautiful interior.

My phone then vibrated in my purse so, automatically, I checked it and was so freaked out by it. Then my phone started spamming with unknown messages from I presume fans who have gotten ahold of my number somehow. Concerned, I checked online and found out my number had been leaked. Of course I was enraged by it however stayed calm and told the landlord that I had to leave earlier than I planned to.

Unknown Number
this is what happens
when you don't listen

I sighed and took to my Instagram to notify my fans. I took a black screen photo and wrote a short message to my fans before heading to my phone company to change my number. "I have a sasaeng fan."

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒 | son eunchae | ɪWhere stories live. Discover now