Truth Or Drink ft. PANDORA pt.1 🍾 | Eliana Son 🐻

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Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

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Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

"Hello my loves!!" Eunchae yelled over the yelling of the other PANDORA members, laughing as they leaned against each other, giggling nervously

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"Hello my loves!!" Eunchae yelled over the yelling of the other PANDORA members, laughing as they leaned against each other, giggling nervously. "Okay, so as you can see from the title — today we are playing Truth or Drink," she clasped her hands together as she spoke. "If you don't know what that is, it's like truth or dare; we get asked a question and we can either answer truthfully or," Eunchae held up a bottle of soju. "Drink," she smiled. "I'm joined with my lovely PANDORA members," she gestured as the five girls waved and said their hello's. "This is going to be a two parter by the way. The second part will be on May's channel — I'll leave a link in the description box!~" she smiled as Mayse gave two thumbs up with a cheeky smile.

"ALSO A REMINDER!" Vina yelled, holding her hands out, her palm shown to the camera as she spoke. "We are all of legal age to drink! Do not do this if you are underage!" she strictly said, giving the camera a playful glare.

"Yes yes! We do not condone underage drinking!" Mayse laughed, nodding in agreement.

"Anyways! I asked you guys on Instagram to ask me and the girls some questions so yeah! Let's play!!" Eunchae cheered along with the others.

"Whoever has my phone can start," Eunchae informed as she poured the shot beforehand, allowing Vina to use her face to unlock the technology item

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"Whoever has my phone can start," Eunchae informed as she poured the shot beforehand, allowing Vina to use her face to unlock the technology item. "Why am I lowkey scared?" the black-haired female turned to her members, biting her lower lip as Vina read the question outloud.

"Do you have any kinks?" Vina read before bursting out laughing, the others soon following as they glanced at each other, pointing and laughing. "Oh MY gOd!! THEY WENT HARD!!" Vina yelled as she wiped away her tears of laughter.

"Okay okay! Everyone answer one by one," Eunchae instructed, calming herself down from her laughing as she gestured to Hayoung. "Unnie you go first. Do you having any kinks?" she asked the eldest who immediately took the shot, causing the girls to laugh — laughing even harder when Minhee followed along.

"Eliana Son! Answer it! You won't!" Vina provoked jokingly as Eunchae glanced at her, the two females having a small bicker before facing the camera. "This video is going to be a mess," the short-haired female laughed, leaning back against Mayse who chuckled.

"This shot sure does look yummy!" Eunchae said, picking up the glass, pretending to take it before she sets it down. "I feel like even if we take the shot, that just answers the question," she laughed before taking the shot. Vina shrugs, nodding in agreement as her and Mayse took their shots. "Okay, next question is: What was your worst era?" she read as Hayoung poured the shots.

"I will answer first," Minhee said with a raised hand, bringing her legs up onto her chair and curling herself into a ball. "My worst era was when I was in the band that shall not be named," she voiced as Mayse gasped loudly, Eunchae laughs whilst Hayoung agreed and Vina yelled out: 'PREACH'.

"Okay," Eunchae calmed herself as she cleared her throat. "My worst era? I personally don't think I have one," she hummed, glancing at her members who dismissed her and turned to Mayse who gave a sheepish smile.

"Oh god, there's so many," the youngest sighed, running a hand through her hair. She thinks for a moment before she voiced her opinions, the other PANDORA members providing their own reactions. "I think Firetruck was my worst."

The game continues with questions about their love lives, careers and whatnot were asked about. Hayoung and Minhee were four shots into the game whilst the others ranged from two to three shots in their system. It was difficult for the girls to continue as they laughed between the questions — Raehyun leaving only to return with a cop hat that Eunchae was given by a fan back in My Pace era.

 It was difficult for the girls to continue as they laughed between the questions — Raehyun leaving only to return with a cop hat that Eunchae was given by a fan back in My Pace era

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"Oh my god, we're so drunk," Mayse laughed, leaning against Vina who laughs loudly, nodding her head as they sank into their seats.

"Well that's it for this video my loves! The second part will be on Mayse's channel so go watch us get even more drunk!!" Eunchae promoted with a thumbs up, laughing as she climbed over the counter to shut off her camera — the members screaming their goodbyes as she blew a kiss before ending the filming.

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