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Eunchae was in her apartment, snuggled in her bed with her laptop beside her, a random youtube video playing in the background as she scrolled through the images of her best friend, Amy's birthday. The Australian female had a party with their close friends from high school and sent videos and images to Eunchae to see. It was times like these that Eunchae regretted moving to Korea and becoming a trainee. Although she loved being on stage with her members, she missed being in Australia and going to high school like a normal student and going out on the weekends, having fun with her best friends. Eunchae smiled and messaged Amy back a simple yet loving birthday message. Leaving a voice message singing happy birthday to the girl, ending it with a 'i hate you bish~'. Of course, her friend knew she was joking.

But down in her gut was an unsettling feeling. So she now sat in her living room, curled up in various blankets as tears slowly fell down her cheeks. It was times like these that she had wished she never moved to Korea with Jay and wondered what her life would be like if she was still in Australia. What her life path would be, if she stayed home and continued on with her original dream job which was to be an elementary teacher.

"Would it be different?" she questions herself as she nuzzled her head into her blankets, tears silently falling as she let out tiny sobs. "I miss home," she cried with soft sobs as her apartment fell into a deep silence. Within that silent, her phone begins to ring a familiar tone. Checking the ID, she picks ut up to greet her younger brother, Minwoo. "Hey Min-ah," she greeted softly, rubbing her eyes in hopes of drying them.

"Noona? Were you crying?" he asked as soon as he noticed her strange behaviour. "Why are you crying noona?!"

"I'm not Minwoo," she smiled. "I'm just tired..." she mumbled, cuddling closer to her blanket. "Why did you call?

"I called because I had a gut feeling that you weren't okay, and I was correct," he informed with a straight face. "I just wanted to say, that even though me, mum and dad miss you a whole lot and so do your friends, we are so proud of you and your achievements noona," he smiled at her.

Hearing her brother say such loving things, Eunchae couldn't help but smile. "Aigoo, thank you Minwoo," she smiled with a soft sniffle. "You always know when I need to be cheered up, especially when I'm homesick," she laughed and so did Minwoo. "Okay, I'm going to bed now, goodnight Minwoo-ah!~"

"Night noona!"

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