Instagram Live

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"Hello Instagram," Eunchae chuckles, dressed in soft pyjamas, her dark raven hair dyed up in a cute messy bun. Her face was bare, eye bags slightly coming through as she yawned lightly, covering her mouth with her free hand. "I got bored in quarantine so I'm here," she stated as she sat up, shifting to find a prettier angle.

"How are you everyone? Are you well?" she asked, lips pursed together as she watched the various responses roll into her comments. "You're meant to be doing homework? Go do it~ Comeback after finishing," she smiled softly, pointing an accusing finger at her phone. She begins to hum lightly as she read the comments mentally. "Do I prefer to be called Eliana or Eunchae? I'm fine with either," she said, fixing her bangs.

"Did you guys liked BEE?" she asked, eyes turning into crescent moons as she read all the positive comments about her newest song. "I'm glad you all like it," she smiled.

thoughts on the current ateez issue?
do you like inception or thanxx more?
i love you
you and san are so cute together!!

"Hmm I don't like what they did but they don't have control over majority of the things that happens," the Korean-Australian commented, playing with her necklace as she laid on her side. "I like Inception more," she softly said. As the comments began to be spammed with questions, Eunchae laid on her bed staring into the screen with soft facial expressions. "I love you too~" she responded in English.

"I'm getting hungry," she told herself more than her viewers, pushing her body up to grab a snack from her kitchen. Her feet carries her through her bedroom door and through her open living room and into the dark marble kitchen. The female leaned her phone against a vase and stood with her hands on her waist in frame. "What should I eat?" she asked herself.

Deciding to find a snack, she opens her cupboards to find various snacks neatly organised in her pantry. "I have a lot of options," her voice spoke lightly, a chuckle following after as she grabbed a long rectangular package. "Tim Tams!" she giggled. Eunchae opens the package and begins to snack on the famous Australian treat, sitting in her kitchen as she stayed on live.

how does one look so pretty while eating?
you're too pretty
drop the skin care routine 😤

Eunchae hums a tune, enjoying her snack as she read comments in her mind, covering her mouth when she did spoke. "Who from Stray Kids do I trust the most in the kitchen?" she read off her screen. "Probably either Chan, Felix or Hyunjin," she listed off, counting with her fingers. "They know their way around the kitchen," she nodded in acknowledgment. "They've cooked for me before."

"Will I ever appear on an episode of Chan's Room?" the female read out loud as she fixed her bangs once more. "I don't know, gotta ask Christopher," she chuckles. Checking the time, Eunchae notices the late hour. "Okay everyone, I'm afraid I have to go now," she slightly frowned. "Enjoy the rest of your day, night afternoon whichever, and I love you!"

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