Hanging out with Jay and his friends

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𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗳𝗶𝘁(𝘀): 𝗺𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺 𝗻𝗲𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗱

Today, Eunchae planned on meeting her older half brother, Jay and his friends that he played soccer with at some point in his career

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Today, Eunchae planned on meeting her older half brother, Jay and his friends that he played soccer with at some point in his career. They would meet up at a Korean BBQ place in Gangnam. The female singer sat in her brother's car, bopping her head to music as her brother them to the meeting point. "Naeun is coming with Jooho hyung," her brother commented, eyes on the road.

"Really?" Eunchae asked, eyes on her phone before she glanced up at the road in front of her. "Does that mean their filming? I thought they were on hiatus for that show?" she tilted her head to the side in confusion before going back to her phone.

"I don't know, but they've grown since I saw them last," Jinwoo spoke, pulling over to park once reaching their destination.

The two siblings walked side by side towards the BBQ area and waved when they saw their friends. "Yah! Jinwoo-ah, you shouldn't have dragged Eunchae with you!" one of his friend exclaimed, head-locking Eunchae's older brother as she chuckled.

"What? I didn't dra—"

Jinwoo was cut off by her, a cheeky smile was plastered on her face. "Yeah oppa, don't drag me with you," she snickered as her brother raised a hand to jokingly hit her. "Wah so scary~ Oppa save me," she laughed, stepping away from her brother who huffed in annoyance.

"You," he huffed, arms on his hips as ge pointed accusingly at his sister. "Really are taking my friends from me, aren't you?" he glared.

Eunchae sticks her tongue at her older half brother teasingly. "I'm just better than you!~" she giggles, skipping over to their table, greeting Seungwoo, Jooho and his children. "Huh! Naeunie!~" she cheered as the child stood from her seat beside her father, running towards her with a giant smile.

Lifting her up, Eunchae places kisses onto her cheek as Naeun giggled at the feeling. "You've grown so much my darling~ Where's your mum? Is she doing well?" the girl asked, taking a seat beside Jooho where Naeun previous sat.

"Mama is okay! Gunhoo and I are getting another sibling!" she cheered, playing with Eunchae's newly dyed brown hair.

"So I heard," Eunchae chuckled at her. Her eyes glanced up at the girl's father with a small smile. "Congrats on the new child oppa," Jooho smiled back at her.

"Thank you, how have you been?" the father of two, soon to be three, asked.

"I'm doing good, hungry though," she chuckled. "Let's eat!~" she cheered, setting Naeun down beside her as she called one of the workers to order. The night consists of talks of work and past memories they had with each other and Naeun.

When they finished, Eunchae grabbed her wallet to take out her credit card. "What the? No Eunchae put your card away, I'm paying!" Jiwoo told her as his friends nodded at his words.

"Oh hush," she told the male soccer players. Using her hand to gesture them to sit and let her pay. "I ate the most with Naeunie," she commented, moving her hair over her shoulder. The brunette payed for the group, exiting after receiving the plastic rectangle back.

"Naeunie bye bye!~" she waved to the girl who waved excitedly to the others who left Jooho and Gunhoo.

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