valentines' day

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valentines' day was rolling around the corner and eunchae wanted nothing more than to spend the day with her boyfriend of a year; san

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valentines' day was rolling around the corner and eunchae wanted nothing more than to spend the day with her boyfriend of a year; san. unfortunately due to their busy schedules, they were unable to find time for each other that wasn't in the form of text messages or long late-night facetime calls. thankfully, their company: kq entertainment was kind enough to provide their artists the time off for the lunar new year. san took this break to his advantage and planned a dinner date for him and eunchae for valentines' day, spending the day finding the perfect to give his wonderful girlfriend.

on the actual day, eunchae spend her time inside the apartment, working on unfinished songs stored in her home studio computer and even found the time to wrap san's custom made valentines gift that she had purchased back in december. the girl was resting after finishing one of her unfinished songs and was lounging on her couch, playing on her phone as she hummed a song to herself when she received a message from san.

my love 💙
get ready
i'm coming to get
you in 15 minutes
dress fancy teddy :)

curiosity caught eunchae's mind however she disregards the off feeling and decides to follow san's orders of preparing herself for a spontaneous date. knowing that the date would most likely be for valentine's day, she dresses herself in a black off the shoulder bodycon dress pairing it with simple black heels. after awhile, the girl receives a message from her boyfriend informing her that he has arrived at her apartment. with a smile plastered onto her face and a light hum leaving her red painted lips, eunchae grabs her needed things and made her way down to the lobby to find san standing by the entrance dressed in black satin button down and suit pants.

"hi teddy," he greets with a smile, pulling her gently into an embrace — his arms wrapping themselves around her waist as hers wrapped themselves around his neck. a soft giggle left her lips as she hugged him, enjoying his warmth before the two pulled away and walked outside the apartment complex lobby. seeing as they were just rookie idols and san doesn't have his driver's license yet ( assuming ), so his manager had to drive the couple to their dinner date.

"where are we going?" eunchae turned to her boyfriend, their hands intertwined as they sat beside each other inside the van. san smiles, placing a finger on his lips and tells her it was a secret which caused a giggle escape the girl's lips. in a matter of time, the couple arrived at their destination — san exiting the van first to help eunchae hop of the van with slipping in her heels like a true gentleman.

the ateez member had requested for a private room and to have the restaurant prepare a bouquet of sunflowers and roses for eunchae by the time they arrived for their reservations. when the pair entered the room, the female awed at the sight of the bouquet, thanking him for preparing so much.

dinner went smoothly, the two speaking about their upcoming projects and ateez's next comeback planned for early march. eunchae was happy to be spending time with san even if all they spoke about was their work lives, it just meant that they were equally as passionate about it. "oh before i forget, happy valentine's day baby," she handed him the wrapped gift.

with a raised eyebrow, san inspects the gift and slowly begins to open it whilst simultaneously questioning his girlfriend. inside was a custom made bracelet eunchae had gotten made with a silver plate that has 'teddy' engraved on it. "it's beautiful princess, i'll wearing every day from now on," he stated with a smile, placing the bracelet onto his right wrist. "oh here's your gift," smiling, he handed her the bag that was neatly closed with a ribbon on the top.

"what did you get me and why does it look expensive?" eunchae eyed him, opening it to reveal a velvet box. inside said box was a gold necklace of the word: shiber. "aw sanie! its so pretty~~" she awed. after dinner, the two returned to eunchae's apartment and had a movie night.

NOTE ! happy valentines' day everyone!!! hope you had a great day :)

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