Yedam x Eunchae

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Today Eunchae had a free day. The other members had decided to either go home for the day or just head to the company and do their own thing. Eunchae however had her own plans. She prepared her belongings and packed them into her black gucci backpack that her older half-brother, Jay bought her for her birthday last year. After slipping on a pair of converse sneakers, she made her way down to YG Entertainment. She had scheduled a meeting with her student Yedam for both a tutoring session along with the other Treasure students and a producing/recording session. The black haired female knew of the 02 liner's abilities to create beautiful and catchy beats. He's already written a song with Eunchae for her solo career and it was amazing, therefore she asked for him to help her write a few more.

When Eunchae reached the troubled company's entranced, she entered and greeted the front lady, requesting for Treasure. The worker tells the JYP artist where they were and allows her access into the building with a visitors pass around her neck. Once inside the building, she advances to the practice room where she sees 12 figures inside, some sitting on the benches and some standing in the middle of the room, lightly moving to the music. Pushing the door open, the male group turn their heads to face the girl who had entered with a smile.

"Yedam-ah! Time to study!" she called as Yedam smiled and picked up his training bag. "Doyoung-ah, Jungwoo-ah, Haruto and Junghwan-ah, you're more than welcome to join us!~" she beamed as she held the door open.

"Ne noona!" all four of the younger boys smile back at her, grabbing their things and rushing out the door and waiting in the hallway for Eunchae.

"Sorry Hyunsuk," she gave their leader an apoplectic look. "You guys are preparing for your debut and I'm here taking almost half of you guys away," she pouted as the male walked over to her, his hoodie half on.

"It's fine, Chae," Hyunsuk smiled at her. "School is very important and I'm happy that you're helping them, I mean I barely remember anything from school," he laughed.

"Noona!~" Yedam called, standing behind her. "The others are getting impatient and we have our other session afterwards," he informed, holding the older's wrist.

Eunchae smiled and patted his head. "Okay, okay," she chuckled. "Bye I'll bring Doyoung, Jungwoo, Haruto and Junghwan back later," she waved as both her and Yedam exited the room, only to enter a private room. "Okay, everyone do you have your school things? Lets do some work and if you have any trouble just tell me!~" she instructed, pulling her laptop out from her backpack and setting it in front of her. She would be doing some producing while tutoring the boys and some research on universities. Since graduating, she hasn't been able to enrol into a university due to her schedules and she'd like to further her education.

"Noona, I need help," Doyoung spoke from across the table. Eunchae looked up and smiled at him, pushing back on her chair to stand and make her way to him. After showing the older female the issue, she smiled once more at him and began explaining what it meant. After a few minutes of explaining, she helped Doyoung complete one of the problems. "Ah, now I get it, gomawo noona~" he smiled with his braces.

"Anytime Doyoung," she ruffled his hair before moving on to the other younger members. "Haruto, how you going?" she asked the japanese member, looking over his shoulder as they both stared at his korean text book.

Haruto scratches his head, confused before glancing up at her. With a nod, he points to the problem he's stuck on. "Noona, can you explain what this means to me?"

"In japanese or korean?" Eunchae wondered, and when the younger asked for his mother-tongue language, she was more than happy to help him. The male turned in his seat, facing her as she explained the word he had been stuck on in japanese. "Do you get it now?" she asked as he nodded, thanking her with a smile. "You boys are so cute," she awed, taking a seat in her chair beside Yedam.

She glanced over to her usual student's books and notices he did a problem wrong. "Oh, Yedam-ah," she called as the younger looked at her. "This is wrong," she pointed to the problem as Yedam pouted at it, explaining he did the working out and all for it to be his answer. "You're workings right, just double check your problem," she commented, picking up her black pen and showed him. Unconsciously, Yedam scooted closer to his tutor, leaning over her arm to watch her working as she wrote on a spare piece of paper.

"You went wrong here, see," she pointed with the pen. "You wrote 46 but you have to square root it first then use it for the measuring," she showed him the working out and the answer key text book that she kept with her at all times. Yedam had a copy himself of course. "Get it?" the male nodded and thanked her. Eunchae smiled at him and moved back to her original position, typing away on her laptop as she checked universities. Her phone then made a sound, causing her to stop and look at the notification.

She almost gasps seeing as she kept the boys for nearly three hours and was only meant to help for an hour and a half. "Yah, we've been so indulged in our work," she commented. "Everyone pack up and head back to the practice room, I'll see you all next week okay?" she smiled at the younger treasure members who nodded and smiled back at her. "Good job everyone, bye~" she waved to them as she packed up her things.

"Noona, are we still going to my studio?" Yedam asked, standing by the door as his tutor nodded. "I'll show you the way then, Hyunsuk hyung won't get mad at me for skipping practice," he smiled.

"Yah, Dam-ah, you're debuting soon, work hard okay?" Eunchae spoke, following him to his studio.

"Ne, noona, I'll work hard and be as popular as you!" he cheered, opening the door for her before entering himself. He opens the lights and Eunchae takes a seat at his desk, plugging in her laptop to his system. "Do you like it?" he questioned as the female hummed in response.

"Its pretty, ppalli, grab a seat and lets start!" she hurried him as she began experimenting with sounds. "We're going to be here for a while."

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