Talking about the Future

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It had been over a month or so since San and Eunchae had been together. Although, they did call each other frequently, nothing felt better than to see one another in person. Even more so the fact that they now could hold each other in one another's embrace and just have the cuddling time they used to have before they both got super busy. Currently, the two were laying in Eunchae's bed after spending a night in together in which was filled with cuddles, food and movies.

Eunchae laid on the male's chest, her arms wrapping themselves around his waist as she cuddled into his frame. San chuckles at his girlfriend's koala like behaviour. "baby, what are you doing?" he asked, wrapping his arms around the female's waist, pulling her slightly up so her face now rested in the crook of his neck. "did you miss me that much?" he chuckles at her.

Breathing in his cologne, Eunchae hums and nuzzles her head into his neck with a soft giggle leaving her lips. "Cuddles," she said childishly as she wriggled around, making herself comfortable on the male's frame. Her boyfriend chuckles once more and hugs her figure tighter as he turned to lay on his side, facing the girl beside him.

"Well I think there would be something else you'd like to talk about," he said softly, tucking her hair behind her hair so he could properly see Eunchae's face. The female fluttered her eyes shut as she hummed in response, telling him to further explain his true intentions. "Like that incident we had a few months back?" he quietly muttered to her.

Eunchae's eyes fluttered open as she watched San's facial expression softened as he played with her hair. A smile made its way to her face as she lightly giggles. "What about it?" she questions and further shuffles herself closer to him.

Noticing her movements, San gently pulled the girl by her waist to lay beside him, her face now back in the crook of his neck as he stroked her back softly with his fingertips. "I just wanted to talk about it. Like what we would do if we did end up having a baby," he said softly to her, pressing his lips on the top of her head, pecking her hair before resting his chin on her head.

"Do you want to have a family with me?" Eunchae asked him as she pulled away from his figure to glance up at him. San smiled down at her and nods, one of his hands moving to gently cup her cheeks and pressed his lips lightly against hers in a passionate kiss. Pulling away, San's thumb lightly caresses her cheek.

"Why wouldn't I want a family with you?" he asked, pulling her into a hug as they laid on the female's bed. "You're my everything baby," he kissed her head, chuckling lightly as he heard his girlfriend's soft snores. It was unintentional of the girl to fall asleep on him during such an important conversation, but he understood she was tired from her schedules.

Slightly pulling away from Eunchae slight to inspect her facial features, San smiles at her sleeping figure, pressing soft kisses onto her forehead as he laid back in his original position. "I can't wait to marry you princess," he whispered to her sleeping self with a gentle smile, rubbing her back in circles. "I love you."

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