Working with someone new

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Eunchae had been working on her new mini album for a while now but was wanting to work with new artists and composers since moving to KQ as a solo artist. Luckily, through the female Jackson aka Mayse Son, she was able to contact a few X1 members that she knew of.

With that being said, she contacted Seungyoun, who's she heard of through not only Mayse but Jaime and Yugyeom. The female asked him if he would liked to work with her on her album, to which he agree almost automatically and told her it would be an honour.

So here they are, sitting inside one of the studios at JW Entertainment, working on a song together. "Do you like the beat?" Seungyoun asked the female, turning in his chair to face her who sat on the couch. Eunchae sat with a smile, her right leg over her left, leaning on her elbow as she rested her head in her plam.

"Eung! You're really a genius!" she complimented to which he blushed and thanked her, bowing in his chair, turning back to the system to continue the process. "Should we had a break down or something? Like a spot for a rap?" Eunchae suggested as Seungyoun turned and snapped his fingers at her.

"Oo! That's a good idea!" and he went to work on that section. "Have you started writing lyrics yet?" he asked the girl whilst still working on the rap break.

"I just finished," she hummed, grabbing a piece of paper off the table to write it down for recording purposes. The room fell into a comfortable silence before Eunchae spoke up. "Did you perhaps want feature on the album oppa?" she asked him.

"Wait really?" he asked her with wide eyes. The girl nodded and smiled at him. "I would be honoured!" he smiled brightly. "Shall I feature on this one?" he pointed at the screen which displayed the song they were currently working on.

"I feel like you would suit it," Eunchae nodded with a smile. "Oh! Could you ask Yohan? I would like to work with him as well~" she smiled at the male in front of her.

"Of course I can! I'll message him now," he commented, turning to the table to grab his phone to text his friend. The KQ artist smiled and continued writing the lyrics down on paper. "Oppa you're taking care of the rap right?"

Seungyoun hummed. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it," he ruffled her hair.

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