Following Eunchae

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Eunchae has always been open about her schedule and what she plans to do for the day, wether it was telling Chan where she was going or just plainly any member, they always knew what she was exactly doing at the times someone needed her. Until one day, she stopped telling the boys where she was going. Late into the night, she'd return home at around midnight or later, and yet not a single person knew where she went.

One day, the boys noticed Eunchae preparing to go out, dressed in very fancy clothes. She more a black lace semi-flowy dress that reached below her knees and had black two inch boot heels. Her hair was lightly curled and her makeup done nice yet natural. Quietly, the Stray Kids members quickly changed into spy mode and followed her. They watched as they followed her to a fancy restaurant, a taller male standing at front waiting for her. He was blonde and thats it that the members could see from him. "Who is that?" Felix asked as they peeped above the bottom of the large glass window, the members following his actions as they gazed at their female member.

"I can't see but I don't like this," Jisung grumbled.

"Noona can't get a boyfriend! She won't spend any time with me anymore," Jeongin frowned at the thought as the nine, yes nine, they called Woojin to help spy with them.

"Guys, I don't think we should be doing this," Hyunjin commented, staring as Eunchae smiled brightly at the person across from her. "First of all, its her life, let her live, and secondly, she's bound to see us at some point," he sweatdropped as he and the others dunked their heads down after Eunchae turned to face the window.

Inside, Eunchae frowns as she stared at the window. "What's wrong baby?" the man across from her asked. Snapping her head back to him, she gives a soft small.

"Nothing," she replied with a light shale of her head. "I just felt someone watching me...I hope it wasn't Dispatcher," she frowned at the news outlet.

The man reached over and held her hand in his, gently caressing it with his thumb. "Don't worry, I'm sure its nothing," he gave her a bright smile. "Let's enjoy our time for now," Eunchae nods and separates their hands when their food arrived.

"WhO iS HE?!!!" Minho whispered yelled into the night air, hands tugging at his roots like a crazy man.

"Hyung stop, you're making people look at us like we're crazy!" Jisung pushed him down to kneel beside him.

"Honestly," Chan began, looking at his position then the others. "We kinda do. I mean we are spying on Eunchae while she's on a date," he reasoned as both him and Hyunjin stood up.

"Hyung where are you going? We need to protect our bear!" Changbin told him, eyes glued on the smiling girl. "Look look!" he poked the glass.

Chan sighed. "It doesn't feel right to spy on her privacy. I'll just ask her about it tomorrow morning," he shrugged, Woojin smiled and nodded at his words, agreeing to them. "It's Eunchae's life, let her live," he walked away with Hyunjin. "Make sure not to get caught!" the eldest waved as both left the group. The remaining members, scrambled to their feet, frantically glancing around the street, finding the best possible place to hide as Eunchae and her date were exiting the restaurant. And just by the second, they hid before being caught when she faced their direction.

"Weird..." she mumbled, arms linked with the male, her furrowed eyebrows. "Oppa I'll go first, annyeong~" she smiled up at him, removing her arm with their linking arms. As she took a step forward, the male grabbed her hand and spun her back around to face him.

"Yah, I'll take you. It's late, I don't want anything bad happening to you," he kindly spoke as he held her hand tightly, lightly dragging both of them to the direction of her dorms. Hearing this, the remaining Stray Kids members dashed to the dorms and somehow made it in record time.

When Eunchae reached home, she noticed their exhausted expressions. "Did you guys run a marathon or something?" she raised an eyebrow, taking off her shoes as she entered the dorm.

"Nope, they're just dumb," Chan replied, appearing from the kitchen with a glass of water. "How was your night? Where did you go?" he asked, the two of them walking towards the couch in the living room.

"It was amazing! I went out with a friend!~" she giggled with a bright smile. Chan smiled at her happiness and patted her head. "Chanie oppa, I'll tell you about it tomorrow because I'm tired," she pouted.

"That's okay babygirl, go and sleep," he gestured as she followed his orders.

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