Chapter 1

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It was a cold and rainy day in the downtown core of Toronto. People rushing through the busy city streets to catch their train to work, trying to get out of the rain as quickly as possible. The city was always a busy place, especially on nights that the Rockets had a home game.

"Max come on, you're going to be late!" Maddie yelled from the door where she was putting her white sneakers on. "I'm coming relax!" Shouted her older brother Max who was walking towards the door while fixing his tie. "Can I get some help with this stupid tie?" He asked his sister as she looped the end through the hole. "There now let's go!" Maddie said opening the door to the house that they shared.

When they arrived at the rink, Max parked the car and they both got out going into the arena through players entrance. "Alright work hard out there and I'll see you after the game." Maddie said as she gave her brother a hug. "Will do and I want to hear you cheering me on, okay?" Max replied "Deal!" Maddie nodded before parting ways with her brother. As she walked away from the dressing room, players were on their way in and smiled at her saying hi. "Hey Maddie, how's it going?" William asked as they crossed paths. "It's going, how about you?" She replied. "It's good, I'm feeling a win for tonight's game!" He said as Maddie smiled and wished him luck before going up to her seat in the stands.

"Hey Maddie!" Stella greeted as Maddie found her seat next to her brother's girlfriend. "Hey Stella, how are you?" Maddie asked as she sat down. "I'm good how about you?" She replied just as Memphis sat down next to Maddie. "Hey, there's my favourite girls!" He said as Stella and Maddie paused their conversation to greet the hazel eyed boy. "Memphis, you made it!" Stella exclaimed. "You know I would never miss any of my best friend's games!" He replied as they laughed and agreed with him.

After the game was over, the trio went downstairs and waited for Max to come out of the dressing room. "I'm gonna go look for the washroom, I'll be right back." Memphis said as the girls nodded. "So any attractive guys in your life right now?" Stella asked as Maddie rolled her eyes and denied. "Oh come on! There's gotta be at least one!" Stella said as Maddie blushed a little. Stella gasped "it's Memphis isn't it?" She smiled excitedly. "Stell, there's no guy in my life right now. Besides, if there was one I'd tell you!" Maddie said before continuing. "And no it's not Memphis! He's been Max and I'd best friend since I was born and Max was three! Plus he's already got a girlfriend!"

"Hey what are we talking about?" Memphis asked appearing behind Maddie. "Oh ya know, girl stuff." Stella replied. "Are you questioning my sister about boys again Stell?" Max asked appearing from the dressing room. Stella's cheeks grew pink. "No!" She replied innocently. "You know she'll tell you when she's ready, so stop bugging her." He said wrapping an arm around his little sister as she wrapped him in a side hug. "Great game tonight bro!" Maddie said as Max thanked her. "Yeah man and sick goals too!" Memphis exclaimed as they did their secret handshake. "Let's get out of here!" Max said as they walked toward the exit door towards the car.

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