Chapter 41

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After she changed, they grabbed whatever it was they had left and made their way to the car in the parking garage. "Can we stop at McDonalds? I'm a little hungry." Maddie asked. "Of course we can. Whatever you want girl!" Stella replied as soon as they reached the car.

"And we're home!" Max said parking the car in the driveway and opening the garage door. "I'll take the food in, you grab the bag out of the back." Stella said opening the door. "She sleeping again?" Max asked as Aiden opened the caf door. "Yeah. I'll carry her in and put her on the couch." He replied before picking Maddie up bridal style and carrying her into the house.

As Aiden was just about to set Maddie down on the couch, she woke up confused. "What's going on? Why are you carrying me?" She asked looking at Aiden. "You fell asleep on the way home from the hospital and I wasn't going to leave you in the car." He replied. "Oh...Did we stop at Dons?" She asked as Aiden set her down on her two feet.

"Yep, got your fries and nuggets and bbq sauce right here!" Max replied pulling his sister's food out of the bag. "Yes! You're the best!" She exclaimed giving her brother a hug before sitting down to eat her food.

After she finished eating, Maddie went back over to the couch and pulled the blanket over heralded before laying down with Zeus at her feet. "What are we watching?" Aiden asked joining her on the couch. "Well, I'm not suppose to have too much screen time because elf possible headaches but..." Maddie replied before trailing off. "Movie afternoon!" Stella exclaimed plopping down in the couch across from Aiden and Maddie. "Mads got limited screen time remember." Max said.

"Yeah I know but it's raining outside. One little movie won't hurt would it?" Stella asked giving Max puppy dog eyes. "Okay, one movie this afternoon and then maybe one tonight." Maddie replied. "But only if I'm up for it!" She added. "Yay!" Stella exclaimed as Max selected Toy Story 4. "You're such a little kid!" Aiden teased. "What's wrong with Disney movies?" Max asked. "Yeah babe? Disney movies are where it's at!" Maddie replied as Aiden laughed. "Nothing it's just every time he picks a movie, 90% of the time it's a Disney movie." He replied. "Well sorry to break it to ya A but... Like brother, like sister !" Maddie smiled at her boyfriend.

By the end of the movie, Aiden and Maddie were sound asleep and all cuddled up underneath the blanket. Meanwhile Stella was gone to work and Max had left a note on the kitchen counter telling them he went for a run with the dog and if they were looking for him he's be back in a bit.

Maddie had woken up a few minutes later and got up to get a drink from the fridge. After grabbing her drink from the fridge, she noticed her brother's note on the counter. "Where's Max?" Aiden asked coming into the kitchen and leaning against the island. "He went on a run with Zeus. He should be back soon." Maddie replied.

"I'm back!" Max exclaimed closing the front door a few minutes later. "In the kitchen buddy!"
Aiden shouted as Max appeared soaking wet. "Now why would you go for a run in the storm?" Maddie asked. "Hey, in all fairness, it wasn't raining when we left!" Max replied. "By the way, Memphis might drop by for a while to hangout." He replied before heading up to his room to change into some dry clothes.

"Wanna play a game of Scattegories?" Maddie asked turning around to face Aiden. "Sure." He replied with a smile. "What?" Maddie questioned. "Nothing." Aiden simply replied. "Aiden?" She said giving him a look. "Nothing. I'm just admiring all the beautiful little things about you." He replied. Maddie's cheeks became a blush like colour as she smiled. "Stop! I look like a mess." She replied. "A gorgeous mess." Aiden said before giving her a big smile and wrapping his arms around her.

"Memphis in the house!" He exclaimed walking into the kitchen a couple minutes later followed by Max. "You guys want to play?" Maddie asked as the two joined Aiden and Maddie at the kitchen table. "Sure." They both replied.

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