Chapter 46

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Back at Centre Street arena, the crowd was buzzing. "Come on boys!" Memphis yelled. "Oh I hope they win tonight or else they're done for the season and there goes their chance at winning playoffs." Stella said sadly. "Don't worry Stella, they've got this!" Memphis replied reassuring her. "SHOOT!" They both yelled as Tyson shot the puck causing the goal siren to light up as the building celebrated the goal that brought them the 5-3 lead.

"Alright switch it up!" Scott yelled as the next line went out. "How'd your interview go?" Aiden asked Max before taking a sip of water. "Oh you know, the usual and then they asked why my motivation was that keeps me going to way I do." He replied. "And what'd you say?" Aiden asked. "Well I told them that it was the energy of the team and the fans bring into the building. But my biggest motivation was having Maddie at every game because she supports me in everything I do and she's my biggest fan." Max replied.

"That's sibling goals!"Aiden said before the two hockey players hopped over the boards and onto the ice for their next shift. "Deep! Play it in deep!" JT yelled to the boys as they skated into the zone to screen the goalie. Tremblay took the shot on net but it was blocked by the defence who now had possession of the puck, skating towards the Rockets zone.

"Don't let him in!" Stella yelled on the edge of her seat watching the play closely. "NO!" She exclaimed when the puck had made its way into the net off of the Walleye player's stick. "It's alright boys, we've got 3 minutes left! Let's get it back!" Memphis shouted.

"No! It's 5-4 now... Walleyes just scored on Felix." Maddie shouted as Kylie came running from down the hall. "No! I knew I shouldn't have left to use the washroom!" She exclaimed. "It's okay, we've got 3 minutes left to keep working hard. We can do it!" Maddie said. "Right Zeus?" She asked looking down at the dog who's ears perked up hearing his name.

"YES! WOOHOO!" Maddie shouted hopping off the couch and celebrating the 6-3 win the boys had pulled off in tonight's game.  "You're crazy girl!" Kylie laughed recording Maddie's little celebration before sending it to Stella and Max on Snapchat. "That means they've got the spot in round 2 of playoffs baby!" Maddie cheered.

A few hours later, Max had walked through the door with his bag slung over his shoulder. "I'm home!" He exclaimed walking down the hall to the living room to find the two best friends playing board games. "Hey Max." Kylie smiled. "Hey Kylie." He replied before looking over to his sister who stood up and went to give him a big hug.

"What's this for?" He asked hearing Maddie whisper a soft thank you. "I saw your interview tonight... Didn't know I was part of your biggest motivation on game days." She replied. "You've always been my biggest motivation kid." He said with a small laugh. "Good game by the way!" Maddie said letting go from their hug. "Thanks!" He replied before grabbing a drink from the fridge and gulping it down.

"I'm going down to the sports room to air this stuff out." Max said picking up his hockey bag. "Okay, we're going up to my room now. Night Maxie, love you." Maddie replied. "Night Mads, love you too." He said before disappearing into the basement.

"I'm going to change into my pjs real quick, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Kylie said grabbing clothes from her backpack once they had reached Maddie's room. "Okay, I'll be here." She replied.

As Maddie waited for Kylie to come back, she unlocked her phone and began to text Aiden. Great game tonight babe. So proud of you ♥️She hit the send button and waited a few minutes before getting a reply. Thanks I sure missed your hugs after the game tho 😢. It read. Don't worry I'll be there tomorrow to give you tons of hugs. She replied.

"Are you texting lover boy?" Kylie asked coming back from the bathroom. "Maybe... Maybe not." Maddie replied. "That face gives it all away girl!" Kylie exclaimed as Maddie's phone buzzed. Going to bed now? It read. Yep I'm exhausted 😴. She replied. We'll get some sleep sweetheart, you've got a busy day tomorrow. Aiden texted back.

Will do lover boy... Goodnight I love you ❤️. She replied. Goodnight princessa, you'll always have my heart. I love you too. Aiden's text read. "Awe he's so sweet." Kylie gushed reading the text over Maddie's shoulder. "Kylie!" Maddie shouted. "What?" She asked. "Don't read my text messages over my shoulder like that! It's creepy!" She replied before locking her phone and plugging it in to charge overnight. "Sorry." Kylie said before falling back into Maddie's bed and starring at the ceiling.

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