Chapter 51

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When Aiden and Maddie arrived at the front door of his apartment, he pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. "Want to watch a movie before we go to bed?" He asked closing and locking the door before texting his mom letting her know they were home. "Yeah sure, just give me a couple minutes to change into some comfier clothes." Maddie said heading down the hall to Aiden's room.

A moment later, Maddie came back out into the living room and looked over to the kitchen where Aiden was cutting up some fruit. "Whatcha doing?" She asked going up behind Aiden and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Cutting up some berries to snack on while we watch a movie." He replied. Maddie grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge before the two made their way to Aiden's room.

"Okay, have you decided on a movie yet?" Aiden asked as he placed the bowl of fruit down on the night stand next to his bed. "How does Spider-Man sound?" Maddie asked. "No romantic or comedy movie tonight?" He asked getting into his bed. "Nah, let save that for another night." She replied. "Alright." He said before he pressed play.

"Hey, this picture of us with your sister... it's cute and so's this one your mom sent me." Maddie said showing Aiden the group shot and a picture of herself and Aiden holding hands with their ice cream in the other hand while looking at each other with big smiles on their faces. "Yeah, I'm the cute one in the family and the favourite sibling." Aiden grinned. "Check your Instagram feed." Maddie replied as Aiden grabbed his phone from off the night stand.  "Happy to have spent time with my favourite desert boy and his family." He read before liking the post. "There's more!" Maddie smiled as she looked at him. Aiden scrolled down to Maddie's next post. "This boy's got my heart. Forever and always." He read out loud.

"And you've got my heart too... Forever and always, I'm yours." He said placing an arm around Maddie before planting a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you Aiden." Maddie whispered. "I love you too princessa." He whispered back in reply.

A couple days later, Maddie and Max were getting ready to go to the rink. "Don't forget your grad dress!" Max shouted from the bottom of the staircase. "I won't! Plus that's a little hard to do if I'm wearing it!" Maddie replied once she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Stella here yet?" She asked putting her sneakers on. "She's pulling into the driveway now." Max replied as the siblings stepped outside the front door with their dog trailing behind them. "Hey girl! You look stunning! What's the occasion?" Stella asked. "Max didn't tell you? I've got a grad pic session at the rink today." Maddie replied. "Oh right!" Stella exclaimed.

When they arrived at the rink, Max and Maddie took their equipment to the team dressing room and met one of the team photographers in the lounge. "Hey guys." The man said. "Hey man, thanks for doing this for us." Max replied. "Yeah no problem, anything for the team." He said as the siblings and Stella took a seat.

"Okay so Maddie, I hear you have some photo ideas for these grad pics of yours?" The photographer asked. "Yeah, I have a few I'd like to do if that's okay with you." She replied. "Yeah of course, I'm totally open for good ideas. These are your graduation pictures so be as creative and unique as you want to be!" The photographer exclaimed before Maddie began to share her ideas. "Oh and we're going to be taking those special ones I had mentioned to you when we discussed the photoshoot." Max exclaimed as Maddie gave her brother a confused look. "What special photos?" She asked. "Don't worry about it... It's a surprise!" He replied.

"Alright Max, you sit on the bench beside her and you guys will be posing like you're tying up your skates. I'm going to take a couple shots like that and then a couple shots of you looking like you're smiling about something you said while tying your skates." The photographer said as the two siblings sat down and put their skates on. "Alright sounds good man." Max replied.

"Hey hey hey!" Stella said as she came into the locker room followed by Memphis. "Why's Memphis here?" Maddie asked confused. "What? Don't you want your brother from another mother to be in any of your grad pics?" He asked giving Maddie a fake hurt expression. "I texted him to come because he's literally another brother to you and I." Max replied. "And I figured we could take some pics with him out on the ice." He added. "Okay, fair enough plus Memphis has been around since day one so I guess he's considered part of our family." Maddie replied.

After they finished take skate pictures Max, Maddie and Memphis tied up their skates before grabbing their sticks and heading through the tunnel to lead them to the ice surface that only had a couple lights shining on it, leaving the rest of the arena mostly in darkness. "Okay so now I'm going to get Max and Memphis to stand like their taking a face off and Maddie, you're going to have your grad cap on and hold up a hockey puck that says Class of 2020 on it." The photographer said. "Okay, do you want me to throw my jersey over my dress too?" She asked. "Not at the moment, but I'll let you know when. Just Max and Memphis have their jerseys on right now." He replied. "Okay ready? And smile!" He added snapping some shots of the trio at centre ice.

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