Chapter 9

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After practice, Maddie took off her gear and changed. When she was done, she picked her bag and went to wait for Max in the lobby. "Hey, great work out there today kiddo!" Coach Scott said to her. "Thanks! And thank you again for having me." She relied. "No problem, you're welcome back anytime!" Scott replied before leaving the rink.

"Ready to go?" Max asked appearing next to her. "Yeah." She replied. "Okay, I told Willy and Cody we'd wait for them in the Jeep." Max said before they began to walk out. "By the way, Will's coming over to chill with us before we have to come back to the rink for 4pm." Max added as Maddie simply replied with an okay.

"Girl you kicked butt out there today!" William said as Maddie smiled. "Well I did learn from the best!" She replied referring to her big brother. "Thanks, that was a huge compliment!" Max replied as Cody and Will laughed.

"Here we are Thomson!" Max said stopping in front of the condo complex. "Thanks for the ride man!" See you guys at the rink in a few hours!" He replied getting out and taking his bag out from the back. "See you there." Max replied "And don't be late man!" Will shouted before the Jeep pulled out of the lot and onto the Main Street.

"So Maddie, have fun out there today?" Will asked. "Sure did! Especially since I won that race against Aiden before practice and he had to skate laps!" She replied. "Oh yeah, by the way Stan the man told me about the second bet you guys made." Max said coming to a stop at a red light. "Did he now?" Maddie asked as Max nodded. "That was suppose to be between the two of us!" She exclaimed. "Well I guess it's between the four of us now!" William chimed in smiling.

"What kind of bet was it anyways?" William asked once the three of them got out of the car. "If Aiden got past me three times during the scrimmage, he got to take me on an adventure of his choice and if he couldn't get past me three times, then he had to buy me lunch after practice." She replied opening the front door. "Who had to buy you lunch?" Stella asked greeting the trio at the front door. "Aiden did if he lost a bet I made with him but..." Maddie replied. "But what?" Stella asked. "But he didn't lose the bet... I did." Maddie replied as Stella smiled. Maddie gave the girl a confused look. "Stell, what's that look for?" Max asked. "Maddie... I'm pretty sure Aiden likes you!" Stella blurted out. "What are you talking about? Aiden's my brother's best friend and teammate. There's no way Aiden Stanley would like me like that!" Maddie replied. "Okay enough with this conversation please! It's game day and we have a routine to stick to!" Max interrupted then walking into the kitchen.

Max laid on one couch and turned on the tv while William sat in the other one. "Stella seemed super convinced that Stan likes your sister man. What's that all about?" William asked. "She says that when she watches them interact, she sees the way they look at each other. There's definitely something there and I know he likes Mads but I don't know man." Max replied. "Well I guess there's only one way to find out." Will replied.  "We wait until one of them says something to the other."

Maddie came into the family room with her laptop in hand and sat next to Will. "Aren't you going to nap with us?" Her brother asked. Maddie plugged her laptop into charge up and turn the power button on. "Yeah I will, I just have a paper to finish up and submit first." She replied as she signed in and began typing.

After a while, Max had fallen asleep on the couch while William scrolled through his social media. "And done!" Maddie exclaimed closing her laptop and placing it down on the coffee table. "You know you can lay down and have a nap if you want." She said to Will. "Yeah I know but who's going to keep you company if I do nap? Stella took Zeus for a walk and your brother is out cold." Will replied. "Well I'll just have to nap too then, that way I'm not bored!" She replied. "I just don't want to end up kicking you with my feet." William said. "And I know that the chairs aren't the best to sleep in." He added. "It's all good. I'll just go have a nap up in my room." She replied. "I've got a better idea, let me attempt to braid your hair and then you can nap on the couch and I'll take the chair." William said smiling.

"Better deal for you... You braid my hair and I'll go nap with Max. That way it's a win win situation." Maddie replied. "Alright you win mini Martin!" Will replied as Maddie sat on the floor in front of him while he attempted to braid her hair.

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