Chapter 43

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"When does she go to the concussion clinic?" Aiden asked as Max looked up from his phone. "Monday after our practice." He replied. "Think she'll be all cleared?" Aiden asked. "Oh yeah. She's been doing really well with what the doc told her to do so everything should be good." Max replied.

"Alright boys, let's get out of here!" Maddie said coming back out into the waiting room. "All good now?" Max asked. "All good! No more cast!" Maddie smiled. "Homeward we go!" Max said as they made their way to the elevator. "Want to come to the airport to pick my family up with me?" Aiden asked Maddie once they got on the elevator. "I'd love to but I've got one more final paper to submit for school." She replied.

"Oh yeah, your graduation is in a couple of weeks from now. What do you want to do for grad?" Max asked as they stepped into the parking  garage. "Pool party with friends and family... Duh!" She replied. "Okay and I've got something else planned for you too." Max said as they arrived to the car. "Don't tell me! Keep it a surprise until grad!" Maddie said.

When they got home, Aiden got into his car and left to go pick up his family from the airport. "What should we do after you submit your paper?" Max asked. "I'm it's game night... Game 5 round one of your playoffs so we've gotta have our pregame nap before the game tonight." Maddie replied. " I knew that, I was just refreshing your memory." Max exclaimed. "Guess you and Stell aren't coming tonight?" He asked. "I'm not going to go because you told me the noise and lights won't be good for my concussion and I'm not chancing that!."  Maddie replied.

"Kylie's coming over and we're going to watch the game because you know I never miss a game unless there's an emergency!" She added as Max smiled. "I know and that's one of many reasons why I love you mini me!" Max replied.

"Maddie I'm leaving!" Max shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Maddie quickly came running down and gave Max a hug. "Okay, see you when you get home." She replied. "Yep I'll text when I'm on my way." Max said opening the front door. "Good luck and kick some Washington ass tonight!" Maddie exclaimed. "Love you too Mads!" Max laughed before closing the door.

Maddie went back upstairs to her room to put a load of laundry in the basket to take to the laundry room. After she had put her laundry into the washing machine, Maddie checked her phone to find three text messages waiting for her. I'll miss watching the game with you tonight. The first one read coming from Stella. The second one was from Memphis and read See ya at tomorrow night's game! Maddie took a minute to text Memphis back.

After replying to his text, she opened the third and final one that was waiting for her. On my way, be there soon -Kye. Maddie responded with okay before heading to the kitchen to make dinner for her and Kylie. "Alright Zeus what should we have for dinner tonight?" She asked opening the fridge as Zeus looked at her with his head tilted to the side. "Let's see, we've got veggies, lunch meat, cheese and a bunch of other stuff." Maddie said to nobody in particular. "Good idea buddy!" She said a few minutes later looking down at Zeus who let out a small sound.

A knock was heard at the door a couple minutes after Maddie had everything ready for dinner. Before heading to answer the door, she checked the doorbell camera notification that popped up on her phone. When she saw Kylie standing in the porch with her backpack.

Maddie went over to the door, opened it and greeted her best friend. "Hey girl!" Kylie said with a big smile on her face. "Hey, come on in!" Maddie replied closing the front door once her friend was in the house. "Hey Zeusie boy." Kylie said petting the dog. "I made dinner so we can eat when the puck drops at 7." Maddie said as they moved into the family room.

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