Chapter 26

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After the game, the trio waited for Maddie in the lobby. "That was a great game." Stella said. "Sure was but something feels off with Maddie. I'm getting that vibe." Max said before Kylie and Maddie appeared to greet the group. "Hey guys." Kylie said. "Great game tonight! Way to kick ass out there!" Stella said. "Thanks." They both replied. "Hey what happened out there that pissed you off so much you got sent to the sin bin?" Max asked Maddie who was a little extra quiet after the win her team just had.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." She replied as the girl from the other team who had checked her appeared from the dressing room hallway and walked past the group knocking Maddie and her hockey bag over. "Um excuse me, aren't you going to apologize?" Max asked as the girl stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Apologize for what?" She replied with a disgusted tone of voice. "Apologize for knocking my girlfriend over with your hockey bag on purpose?" Aiden chimed in just as the girl's jaw dropped noticing who was talking to her.

"Oh my god! You're Aiden Stanley from the Toronto Rockets! What are you doing dating a defenceless loser like her? You could do so much better!" The girl said as Aiden and Max showed a huge emotions of anger in their faces. "You better watch your mouth eyebrows! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Kylie replied stepping forward as the girl looked at her in disgust. "Obviously duh! I wasn't born yesterday bitch! It's Aiden Stanley, my favourite Toronto Rockets player ever!" The girl responded. "Well you're obviously not a true fan because my fans don't treat my friends and family like shit!" Aiden replied. "Come on guys, she's not worth it. Let's just get out of here." Maddie replied in a dull tone before walking out the sliding doors to the car.

"Is that wha is bothering you bubs?" Max asked as they reached the car. "Yeah but I just don't want to talk about it right now okay." Maddie replied throwing her back in the back of Max's car before hopping into the back seat. "It's okay guys, she'll talk about it  when she's ready." Stella replied giving both boys a sad smile before getting in the front passenger's seat. "Coming over to spend the night?" Max asked as Aiden searched his pockets for his car keys. "Yeah but I've got a quick stop to make first." He replied. "Alright, see you in a bit man." Max said before going to the other side of his car and getting into the driver's seat.

Once they got home and Maddie had hung her equipment up to dry, she went upstairs to have a nice hot shower before getting into a fresh pair of pjs. "Knock knock." Max said before opening the door a crack. "Can I come in?" He asked as Maddie nodded. Max moved into his sister's room and sat in the edge of her bed. "Kylie texted me... She told me about what happened out there tonight." he began to say. "Yeah?" Maddie replied. "Now I know the reason why you retaliated." Max said. "Yeah because I don't take shit from people like that on the ice." Maddie replied. "I know and I'm proud of you for that but you know what? People like her only do that because they're jealous of how good a player you are and because they think they're top shit when they really aren't... In reality she's just a jealous bitch." Max said as he looked over to his little sister and gave her a small smile. "And you know what Max..." Maddie said. "What?" He asked. "The only reason I play the way I do is because I learned from the best and that's you." Maddie said leaning her head on her big brother's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

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