Chapter 39

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"Why is Maddie ringing the doorbell when she took her keys with her?" Stella asked herself as she went to answer the door. When she opened it, Stella gave the boy a confused look. "Connor? You're not Maddie and why do you have Zeus? Did something happen to Maddie?" She asked frantically. "Actually yes something did happen to Maddie. She got hit by a truck that failed to stop at the four way intersection just down the street and that's why I have Zeus. They're taking her to the hospital by ambulance right now." Connor replied as he handed Zeus off to Stella. "Oh my god! Is she okay?" She asked. "She's still breathing but unconscious when I left the scene to bring Zeus home." He replied. "Oh my god... Um thanks for bringing Zeus back and letting me know. I'm going to head over to the hospital now." She replied before Connor went home leaving Stella in panic mode leaving the house.

Meanwhile the team's flight was about to land and Aiden was just about to text Maddie when he and Max saw an urgent text from Stella in their group chat. "Shit!" Aiden said as Max woke up in the seat next to him. "What? What happened?" Max asked worries and confused. "Stella just sent us a text. She's on her way to the hospital... Maddie got hit by a truck on her run this morning and now she's unconscious." Aiden replied in a worried tone. "Fuck!" Max exclaimed. "Okay um, I'll ask JT if he could drop us off at the hospital on his way home so we can be there for Mads." Max said.

Once the boys were off the plane, they grabbed their luggage and went to the parking lot. "JT!" Max shouted. "Yeah what's up man?" He asked. "Could you drop us off at the hospital? My sister was hit by a truck this morning." Max said. "Oh my god, is she okay? Of course I can." He replied. "We won't know until we get there." Aiden said as they followed Jacob to his car.

A few minutes later, the boys rushed into the waiting room and found Stella staring blankly at the wall. "Stella!" Max exclaimed as Stella snapped out of it and got up to give Max a hug. "Any news yet?" Aiden asked. "They're running some tests on her when I came in but nothing yet. Still waiting." Stella replied as Aiden dropped into the nearest chair and ran his hands through his hair. "How did you find out what happened?" Max asked as they took a seat. "The doorbell rang and I thought it was Maddie but when I opened the front door Connor from across the street was standing there with Zeus and told me everything that happened." Stella replied with tears filling her eyes.

"Family of Maddie Martin?" A doctor asked coming into the waiting room as Max, Aiden and Stella stood up. "That would be us!" Max replied. The doctor moved closer to them and began to give them the news. "Good news is Maddie is awake and doing well. However she does have a broken arm and a minor concussion. We're going to keep her here overnight to make sure everything is fine and she will be able to go home tomorrow." The doctor said. "Thanks doc." Max replied. "She's in room 216 if you would like to go see her." The doctor said before going to file some paperwork.

When the three arrived to Maddie's room, the quietly walked in and saw her sleeping peacefully. "Oh my god, my poor sister." Max whispered before taking a seat next to the hospital bed as Aiden sat on the other side and took her hand in his. "Hey sweetheart." Aiden whispered while rubbing his thumb across her hand.

"Guys look." Stella said as Maddie slowly opened her eyes. Max stood up from his seat. "Hey, hey, hey it's okay Maddie. We're here."
He said as tears began to stream down her cheeks. "Wha-what happened? Why am I laying in a hospital bed?" She asked in a dry raspy voice. "You got hit by a car on your run and you broke your arm and have a minor concussion." Stella replied sitting on the end of the happy bed.

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