Chapter 68

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After a few songs, Maddie, Aiden and Cody went back to the party room and sat down at the table with Zach and Felix. "So Maddie, I hear your first day on the job was a success." Zach said. "It was pretty great! They gave me a frame after the game with some of the pictures I took and my picture at the centre of it all." She replied. "That's pretty cool." Felix said before sipping on his beer.

"If you'll excuse me for a minute, I'm just going to grab myself another drink. Would anyone like anything?" Maddie asked getting up from her spot at the table. "No I think we're good thanks." Zach replied with a smile before Maddie left the party room to go over to the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bar tender asked for a second time tonight. "Just an ice water this time around please." She simply smiled. "Coming right up." He smiled before filling a glass with ice. As Maddie waited for her glass of water, she watched her friends out on the dance floor making fools of themselves.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone on a Saturday night?" A voiced asked from beside her cause her to snap out of her thoughts. "I beg your pardon?" She asked confused. "I said what's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone on a Saturday night?" The man said with a creepy smirk on his face. "Oh I'm not alone. I'm here with my friends and my boyfriend." She replied. "Doesn't look that way to me." The man replied. "Excuse me?" Maddie asked in disgust.

"Here you are." The bar tender said sliding the glass of water across the counter to Maddie. "Thank you." She replied. As she was about to get up off the stool, the man quickly got up and blocked her path, pushing her back down onto the stool. "Where you going gorgeous?" He asked moving in closer to her. "To party with my boyfriend and my friends. And who do you think you're calling gorgeous? Get off of me you creep!" She shouted.

"I think you should forget about your little boyfriend and your friends and you should get out of this place with me. I'll take you back to my place." He grinned disgustingly. As panic and fear crept up inside of Maddie, she tried everything in her power to squirm free from the man's strength and when that didn't work, she put her hockey skills to use and punched him before escaping.

The man held his face and grabbed Maddie by the arm. "You're a feisty one aren't ya? I like that!" He smirked. "Let me go!" Maddie shouted. "I don't think so!" He spat back while Maddie continued to hit him. "Leave me alone!" She cried. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" He shouted as he punched Maddie in the face.

Maddie fell to the ground holding into her face in tears as the creepy guy moved closer towards her. "Hey buddy... Get a load of this!" A voice exclaimed before more punches were being thrown. Maddie looked up through her tears to see Aiden beating the shit out of the guy who was harassing her while Felix and William tried to pry him off.

"Maddie, are you okay? What happened?" Max asked rushing to his sister's side while Stella and Cody helped him comfort her. "He was harassing me while I waited for my glass of water at the bar and when I got up to leave he pushed me back down onto the stool. Then he wouldn't let me go so I punched him and when I got up to walk away, he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go of me so I kept fighting back and then he punched me." She sobbed falling her into her big brother's chest. "Shh shh shh, it's okay, you're safe now Mads. I've got you." Max whispered to her as he ran his fingers through her hair comforting her. "Don't you EVER lay another finger on my girlfriend or ANY other girl EVER AGAIN!" Aiden shouted once Felix and Will had pried him off the guy.

"Can we please go home now?" Maddie asked between sobs as Max and Cody helped her up from the floor and security came over to cuff the creepy guy ready for when the cops showed up. "Yeah we can do that. Let's go." Max said as the team all made their way outside to find their vehicles. "You okay baby girl?" Aiden asked helping Maddie to his car. "Yeah... I'm fine." She replied quietly leaning into Aiden's side. "If it's okay, can we go back to my place tonight instead?" Maddie asked. "Anything you want my love." He replied placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

When Aiden pulled into the driveway, he turned off the car and got out. "You want me to carry her up to her room?" He asked as Max came out from the house. "Yeah, Stell's got a bubble bath running for her right now. Did she fall asleep?" Max asked. "Yeah and I don't want to wake her right now." Aiden replied opening the passenger door before unbuckling her seatbelt and carefully carrying Maddie out of the car and into the house.

"Here, pas me your keys, I'll lock the car." Max said closing the front door behind him. "Actually, could you grab my bag out of the backseat? I put some overnight clothes in the car when I went home because I wasn't sure what was happening tonight." Aiden said before beginning to head upstairs.

"Here, just lay her on her bed for now." Stella said to Aiden turning the hall light on for him so he could see where he was going. Once he had set her down gently on the bed, he took her sneakers off and placed them in her closet on the show rack. "Poor girl, the creep gave her a black eye." Stella whispered as she and Aiden stepped outside of Maddie's room. "Glad I stepped in when I did. Could have been a lot worse if we didn't notice what was going on." He replied. "After she has a bath, we'll get her some ice go out on that eye of hers." Stella said before going down the hall to Max's room.

"Here's your bag and keys. Your car's locked for you." Max said appearing at the top of the staircase. "Thanks man." Aiden replied. "She wake up yet?" Max asked. "No but she's stirring." Aiden replied looking over into Maddie's room. "Stella finish running the water for the bath?" He asked. "Yeah she had just finished when I brought her up." Aiden replied as the two noticed Maddie sitting up against the headboard of her bed.

"She wake up yet?" Stella asked stepping out into the hallways dressed in some sweats and one of Max's hoodies. "Yeah, she's just getting up now." Max replied. "Okay, you guys go downstairs for a few minutes and I'll help her out." Stella said shooing the two away. "Hey Stell, would you mind putting my bag and keys in her room?" Aiden asked extending his arm out to give her the bag. "Yeah not a problem."
She replied before heading into Maddie's room.

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