Chapter 85

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Fast forward a few months later, the boys were back to work and Maddie was on maternity leave as she prepared for her son's arrival. "Hey, I'm home!" Aiden announced coming through the front door with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Hey babe, how was practice today?" Maddie asked looking in Aiden's direction. "Good, worked on scoring some goals from the slot." He replied. "Oh did you now?" Alexandra asked raising an eyebrow. "Yep and I'm gonna score some goals from the slot in our next game." He replied walking towards the fridge to grab a Gatorade.

"How's my boy doing in there? You behaving for your mama?" He asked placing his hands on Maddie's stomach and giving it a kiss. "Where's my mom?" He asked. "She ran out to the store to pick some groceries up for dinner." Maddie replied before stopping what she was doing. "Maddie, are you okay?" Alexandra asked with a look of concern on her face. "Babe? Everything okay?" Aiden asked rushing over to her side.

"I-I think my water just broke... Aiden it's time! Our son is coming!" Maddie replied in a panicky tone. "Okay, it's okay babe. Alex, grab the bag that's at the end of our bed and call mom. I'll call Max and tell him to meet us at the hospital." Aiden exclaimed helping Maddie to the door to put on a coat and shoes. "Got it! I'll call mom on our way down but right now let's go!" Alex replied as they rushed out the door and to the car.

When they arrived to Alex's rental vehicle, Aiden helped Maddie into the back seat and got in with her while Alex got into the driver's seat and started the car before backing out and leaving for the hospital. "Aiden, I'm scared." Maddie cried as he held her hand and pushed hair away from her face and behind her ear. "It's okay princessa, I'm scared too but we're doing this together okay?" He replied as she nodded and he placed a kiss on her head.

"Okay keep pushing hun, your baby boy is almost here. Just one more push. You can do it!" The doctor said before the crying of a small baby could be heard. "You did it baby girl, your son is here." Aiden whispered as he placed his forehead against Maddie's with a smile.

"Congratulations mom and dad, it's a boy!" The doctor said handing the newborn to Maddie. "Do you have a name picked out for your son?" The doctor asked smiling at the small family. "We do." Aiden replied. "Alexander Maxwell Taylor Stanley." Maddie replied.

Once Maddie and the baby were placed in a room, Aiden sat next to her on the bed as they admired their baby boy together. "He's beautiful." Maddie whispered. "Just like his mama." Aiden replied kissing Maddie on the top of her head. "Want to hold him?" She asked handing Alex over to Aiden. "Hey! Hey buddy, it's your daddy here. You're going to be so loved little man and I know you've already got mine and your mommy's heart. Just wait until you meet your auntie B and auntie Alex. They're so excited to meet you and one day your auntie B will show you how to play golf. And your uncle Max, he's gonna be your fun uncle for sure! I'm gonna teach you how to play hockey when you get a little older and then you and I can take on uncle Max and your cousin James in a game. You know who else can't wait to meet you? Your abuelo and abuela, they're beyond excited to meet you Alex! And so's daddy's teammates! But for now let's let you and mommy rest alright buddy? I love you." Aiden said giving his newborn son a kiss on the nose.

"Knock knock... Can we come in?" Alexandra asked popping her head into the door as Maddie nodded. Alex stepped into the room followed by Evie, Brian, Bianca and Max. "Congratulations you guys! What's his name?" Bianca asked. "Alexander Maxwell Taylor Stanley." Maddie replied looking at her big brother with a smile. Max smiled back at his sister before stepping forward and taking her hand in his. "You gave him my name as one of his middle names?" He asked. "So he'll always have a piece of my best friend with him forever." Maddie smiled.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Memphis exclaimed coming into the room followed by Meg and Stella who had James in her arms. "Congratulations!" The three said. "Meet my nephew, Alexander Maxwell Taylor Stanley!" Max smiled proudly. "He's absolutely adorable." Evie smiled. "Want to hold him mom?" Aiden asked. "Oh I would love to hijo!" She replied. Aiden passed his son over to his mom. "Hola mi amor, it's your abuela Evie. I'm so happy you're here!" She smiled looking down at her grandson and placing a kiss on his forehead.

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