Chapter 50

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"Alright, you guys ready to go grab some ice cream?" Aiden asked coming over to get Maddie and his sister. "Sure am little bro!" Alex exclaimed. "Yeah just give me one second." Maddie replied before giving Stella and Max a hug. "Bye guys, see you tomorrow night." She said. "Bye girlie! Enjoy your ice cream." Stella replied. "Bye kid, have fun and text me when you guys get back to Aiden's so I know you guys got home safely." Max said. "Will do big M. Bye love you." She replied. "Bye love you too." Max said as Maddie left to join Aiden and his family.

"Can I ride with you guys?" Bianca asked when they reached the parking lot. "Yeah if you want to but you're stuck in the back seat." Aiden replied opening the trunk and throwing his equipment into the car. "That's fine." Bianca replied opening the door and hopping in the back seat. "We're going to the ice cream shop down at Harbour front. Is that okay?" Aiden asked his parents before closing the trunk of his car. "Yeah that's fine. We'll follow you down there." Brian replied as they all got into their cars.

"You enjoying your time out here in Toronto B?" Maddie asked as they made their way onto the Toronto streets. "I am! Yesterday we went to the CN Tower and the aquarium which was so nice." She replied. "Yeah other than being at the rink to watch hockey games, the aquarium and the waterfront are two of my favourite places in the city." Maddie replied as Aiden pulled into a parking spot. "Alright ladies, we have arrived." He said putting the car in park before turning it off.

"So what kind of ice cream are we thinking of tonight?" Evie asked as they began to walk as a group down to the ice cream shop. "Well since we can't get Moose Tracks at home, cause apparently it's a Canadian thing, that's what I'm having cause it's my favourite." Alexandra replied. "I'm undecided between  maple pecan and mint chip." Brian said. "Dad, you know you can get a scoop of each right." Bianca said before adding. "I'm going with strawberry."

"I think I'm going to go for cookie dough tonight." Maddie said. "Really? No banana ice cream for you tonight?" Aiden asked. "Nope I only have banana ice cream from the tub." She answered him with a smile. "What about you mom? What's you flavour pick?" Alexandra asked. "I'm going with a classic vanilla." She replied as they got in line to order.

"Aiden you never told us which flavour you were having." Brian said giving his son a look as Aiden smiled before ordering. "That's because... I'll have a scoop of chocolate please." He said to the man behind the counter. "I knew it!" Alexandra exclaimed. "He always gets chocolate when we go for ice cream with him!" She said as the man handed Aiden two cones of i d cream before scooping the next scoop into a cone for Brian.

Once everyone had their I e cream in hand, the group left the shop and went to sit near the water. "It's so nice out here tonight." Evie said taking in the view of Lake Ontario. "Loving the view!" Bianca said taking in the city lights.

"So what's everyone got planned for tomorrow?" Maddie asked before taking a bite from her ice cream cone. "Well our flight leaves tomorrow night so we're going to pack up and maybe hit the Eaton Centre before we head out to the airport." Evie replied. "Actually, I know you guys have been wanting to check out the hockey hall of fame so I made some arrangements for us to have a private tour in the morning." Aiden said as his family looked at him with surprised looks in their faces. "Don't worry Mads, you're coming too." He said as he looked over to his girlfriend with a smile on his face.

"Hey Maddie isn't your college graduation this week?" Alex asked. "Yeah, I graduate on Friday." She replied. "That's exciting! Do you know what you're doing job wise now that you're done school?" Alex asked her. "Actually... I was going to wait to tell mec and Aiden at the same time but Max already found out. But yeah I do, I got a job in the sports photography field." Maddie replied with a smile.

"Really? How come you didn't tell me sooner? Where'd you get in?" Aiden asked anticipation growing as he waited for Maddie to answer. "Well... I'm now an official Toronto Rockets photographer and media manager." Maddie smiled as Aiden's jaw dropped. "Oh my god! Congrats girl! I'm so happy for you!" Bianca exclaimed. "Babe that's amazing!" Aiden said before pulling Maddie into a hug and giving her a kiss. "Thanks guys. I'm excited to get started next season!" Maddie replied as they all stood up to head back to their vehicles. "Hey why don't we take a group photo of the four of us?" Bianca suggested. "Okay sure. I don't mind." Maddie replied as Alexandra, Aiden, her and Bianca got into a group pose for a picture with the CN Tower as the backdrop all lit up. "Okay and smile!" Evie said as the four of them smiled big.

"Alright, we will see you guys tomorrow morning around 9:30 at the Eaton Centre." Aiden said to his family once they arrived back to the parking lot. "Sounds good and text us when you get home so we know you made it safely. Okay hijo?" Evie said giving her son a hug. "Alright." He replied before saying goodnight to his family.

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