Chapter 17

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Back at the aquarium, Aiden and Maddie stood and admired the jellyfish floating in the tank in front of them. "Aren't they cool?" Maddie asked watching how the creatures floated slowly before her eyes. "Yeah, they're quite the thing aren't they?" Aiden asked. "Hey why don't we take a picture in front of them? It makes a pretty cool back drop." Maddie said getting her phone out. "Okay, sure." Aiden replied. "Here, let me take the picture. I've got longer arms than you." He added as Maddie passed him her phone.

"There, how does it look?" He asked after taking the picture and giving her phone back. "Not bad Stanley but next time I think you should smile a little more." Maddie replied as Aiden laughed. "There, just like that!" She said snapping a picture of Aiden mid laugh. "You know m, that's not a bad picture actually. Can you send it to me later?" He asked as his phone dinged. "Already done bud!" Maddie replied.

As they moved on to the coral reef exhibit, an older lady stopped them as they're about to take a picture. "Excuse me, would you like me to take the picture for you?" She asked. "Oh, sure. That would be great!" Maddie replied as she handed her phone to the lady. "Smile!" The lady said as she snapped the picture. "Okay now turn around and look at the fish. I'll take a picture of you looking at them." She said as they did so. "Okay, here you go!" She said giving Maddie her phone back. "Thank you so much!" Aiden replied as the old lady smiled. "Oh not a problem, the two of you are a cute couple. It reminds me of my granddaughter and her boyfriend." She replied as Maddie froze in place. "Oh we're just fri-." Maddie began to say but was cut off by Aiden. "Thank you! We hope you enjoy the rest of your day." He said before they moved into the tunnel underneath the large tank.

"Aiden why's you cut me off back there?" Maddie asked as they slowly walked through the tunnel while Aiden stopped. "Because Maddie... There's something that I want to ask you if it's okay with you?" Aiden said. "Yeah sure what is it?" She asked. "Okay well... I had already talked to your brother about this and he's cool with it and all but..." he started. "Cool with what?" She asked. "Well you see Mads I um... I've liked you for a while now which might have been super obvious but I was wondering... Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He finished.

Maddie's face flushed pink as her cheeks were bright red. "Omg... Stella was right all along..." she whispered to herself before snapping out of her thoughts. "Aiden I... Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" She replied before giving him a hug as Aiden wrapped her in his arms and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Can we look at some sea turtles now?" Looking up at her now boyfriend. "Wow way to ruin the moment!" Aiden laughed. "But I guess so." He replied before they continued to walk further down the tunnel.

"Thanks for the afternoon adventure Aiden." I had a lot of fun." Maddie said before getting into the car. "You're welcome but it's not over yet. I've still got some surprises up my sleeve." He replied as they pulled out of the parking lot. "Mind if I plug my phone in to charge?" Maddie asked. "No go ahead." Aiden replied as she plugged it into the charging port and opened her music library before Intentions by Justin Bieber came on. "Good song choice Mads." Aiden smiled taking Maddie's hand into his while they cruised down the streets of Toronto.

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