Chapter 29

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Meanwhile at the rink, the Rockets practice was just beginning. "How was Maddie's game last night?" Jacob asked. "It was good. They won 3-0." Max replied. "Nice, did she score any goals?" He questioned. "Yeah, she scored the opening goal and got a penalty in the third for tripping a girl who pissed her off." Max replied. "Don't forget about the part where after the game, that same girl who pissed her off was chirping her again."Aiden said joining his teammates. "Wait what?" Jacob asked. "Yeah, the girl who wouldn't leave her alone came out of the hallway at the rink walked right past us and hit Mads with her hockey bag on purpose. Maddie fell then the girl wouldn't apologize pretending that nothing had happened and she started hitting on Aiden until we told her off." Max replied. "Wow!" Was all that JT said before the coach blew his whistle for the first drill of practice.

After her class was done, Maddie walked towards the parking lot with Kylie. "Well that was fun... Not!" Kylie said. "Yeah you got that right!" Maddie replied. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Kylie asked as Maddie checked her phone. "I'm heading to the rink to meet Aiden and my brother." She replied. "Want a ride?" Kylie asked. "Yes please!" She said.

When Kylie pulled up in front of the rink, Maddie grabbed her backpack from the backseat. "Thanks for the ride! You sure you don't want to come?" She said leaning against the door. "Anytime girl! And nah, I've got some assignments to catch up on. Thanks for the offer though." She replied. "See you tonight then?" Maddie asked. "I can't make it tonight but I'll definitely make it to Wednesday's game!" Kylie replied. "Alright I'll talk to you later then. Bye!" Maddie said as Kylie smiled before replying. "Yep, talk later bye Mads!" She said before driving away as Maddie waved before entering the building.

Once inside, Maddie made her way down the hall and into the stands near the players' bench. When she sat down, she took out her laptop and finished up in her notes from today's class. "Hey!" A deep voice shouted from ice level. Maddie looked up from her laptop to see three pairs of eyes looking up at her. One pair being her brother's and the other two belonged to Monte and Tyler. Maddie smiled and waved before going back to typing her notes.

When she had finished her notes, she took her camera out of her backpack and moved closer to the ice surface to take picture of the team practicing. A couple of minutes later, a tall figure skated up and leaned up on the glass in front of her before turning around with a big grin across their face. Maddie looked up from her camera to see Aiden smiling at her. "Hi babe." She said placing her hand on the glass while Aiden did the same with his glove on the other side while Maddie snapped a quick picture. Aiden put his focus back to the last few minutes of practice while Maddie continued to take pictures of the players in action.

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