Chapter 12

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Halfway through the forest period, the Rockets were down by one goal to the Crows. "Go Max!" Stella cheered. "JT's open! Pass the puck!" Memphis shouted. "SHOOT!" Eryn yelled at Jacob who now had the puck on his stick. "Shoot!" Maddie also yelled as JT shot the puck and Max went for the rebound. "Again!" Maddie and Memphis shouted as Max shot the puck tying the game at 1-1.

During first intermission, Stella and Memphis went to grab drinks at the concession stand while Maddie talked with Eryn about school and hockey. "Jacob and I have an appointment on Sunday, would you be able to watch Jace in the afternoon?" Eryn asked as Maddie smiled. "Yeah sure! I can totally do that for you! What time did you want me to come over at?" Maddie replied. "Around 12 okay for you? Our appointment shouldn't be too long." Eryn answered.

"Alright, here's an ice tea for you and a water for you." Memphis said handing one bottle to Eryn and the other to Maddie. "Thank you." They both replied. "So how was practice with your brother this morning?" Memphis asked. "It was good and was actually pretty fun!" Maddie replied leaving out the part about her bet with Aiden.

Second period was about to begin, Ma. And Jacob took their places on the left and right wing while Aiden skated over to centre ice to take the face off. Aiden looked over to where Maddie was sitting and smiled. Maddie smiled back then Aiden turned back, looked up at his opponent then watched the ref's hand as he dropped the puck. Aiden won the face off and played the puck back to Tyler. "Go Ty!" Maddie cheered as Tyler skated up with the puck before passing it up to Max so was ready to move into the offensive zone.

"Skate Max!" Stella shouted out. "Yeah buddy send it!" Memphis yelled as Max faked a slap shot and passed it straight to Aiden who was open in front of the net. Aiden took a shot on net as the puck flew past the goalie and found itself in the back of the net. "Yeah buddy! That's what I'm talking about boys!" Maddie jumped up out of her seat burying into cheer. The boys on the ice celebrated the goal making the game 2-1. Aiden looked over at Maddie and kept eye contact with her for a straight minute, not breaking it once. "I'm telling you girl, Aiden's got a thing for you." Stella leaned over and said snapping Maddie out of her moment. "You know, as much as you're annoying me about this... I'm starting to think you're right." Maddie replied.

Now in the third period, the Rockets were leading with a score of 4-1. William was in the corner fighting for the puck with his opponent Perry Crawford just as Max skated in to help. "Between your feet buddy!" Memphis yelled out as Max got possession of the puck and passed it over to Monte Reid who iced it down the the Crows' end. The red blew the whistle and called it icing while the Rockets completed their line change. Thomson took the face off against Alex Morrison which resulted in the Crows wining the face off and scoring a goal bringing the final score to a 4-2 win for the Toronto Rockets.

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