Chapter 77

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Later at the reception, after eating dinner and dessert, Stella stepped up to the mic. "Alright, if I could have everyone's attention for just a quick second please." She began as guests turned their heads to look in her direction. "The bridal party has a special presentation that we would now like to share with everyone." She finished saying as everyone in the wedding party got up from the table and made their way over to the dance floor.

Once the music began, the group began to perform a choreographed dance they had been working on for this moment. The guests began to laugh along with the group and cheered. Once the song had come to an end, everyone clapped and cheered then Bonnie stepped up to the mic. "Now if we could have all the ladies out onto the dance floor for the bouquet toss please!" she announced.

Maddie looked over at Aiden with a smile on her face. "Looks like Mads is determined to catch that bouquet buddy." Memphis said nudging Aiden with his elbow. "That $20 is going to be ours man." Stella's brother said as Aiden shook his head. "Nah, Meg's gonna catch it so y'all are going to be paying me!" He replied.

"Ready ladies?" Stella asked before turning around. "Yeah!" And "Woos!" We're heard amongst them. "One...Two...Three!" Stella shouted tossing the bouquet. The group of women moved in a clutter following the bouquet that was still in the air as Maddie stood there trying not to get squished.

The ladies followed the bouquet with their eyes as it landed. Everyone cheered as Maddie stood there, a shocked look on her face at the realization that she was the one that caught the bouquet. "$20 bucks A man!" The groomsmen exclaimed to Aiden as he rolled his eyes. "Alright, Alright!" He said handing each one of them a $20 bill.

"Well, looks like you've found yourself a beautiful bouquet there." Aiden said walking towards Maddie with his hands in his pockets. "More like it found me." Maddie replied. "Well whoever found who doesn't matter right now because that bouquet is beautiful and so are you... You look way more beautiful just for the record!" Aiden smiled. "Thank you and you don't look so bad yourself handsome." Maddie replied. "Well you know, I do try!" Aiden replied. "Would you like to dance?" He asked extending his hand out for his girlfriend to take. "I most certainly would." She blushed as Aiden took her hand in his and they made their way to the dance floor.

As Lover by Taylor Swift began to play, Aiden pulled Maddie in close as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They gently began to sway back and forth to the music silently as Stella and Max watched from across the dance floor. "You think they'll get married soon?" Stella asked smiling at Max. "One day." He replied. "And they'll have to because Mads did catch that bouquet that Aiden wasn't expecting her to do. So he gave the guys $20 each because we made a bet on it." Max replied. Stella laughed at her now husband. "Only you guys would make a bet like that!" She replied. "What can I say, I just know my little sister so well!" Max smiled.

"You know, the guys knew it was going to be you that caught the flowers during the toss. I told them Meg was going to do it but I lost the bet so I had to pay them each $20... Even Max!" Aiden laughed as he and Maddie walked over to the bar for a drink. "Yep what can I say! My big brother knows best!" Maddie laughed. "Even when he knows I'm not even trying!" She added.

"Maddie there you are!" Max exclaimed approaching the couple. "Ready for our brother and sister dance?" He asked. "The one we made up when we were younger?" She asked. "Yeah, we're going to do that one for everyone. Come on!" He exclaimed as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor where their mom was announcing that the siblings were about to perform their dance for the guests. "Ready?" Maddie asked. Max nodded and on the count of three, the two began their routine to the song they both loved when they were younger.

At the end of the night, the wedding party and guests were saying goodbye to the newly weds that were leaving and heading to the airport to catch their flight to Mexico for their honeymoon. "Bye Stell, love you!" Maddie said giving her sister-in-law a hug. "Bye my beautiful sister and maid of honour. I love you too!" Stella replied.  Max then moved forward and gave his little sister a long hug. "I'm so proud of you big M. congrats again and safe travels to Mexico. I love you." She whispered to her big brother, not parting from their hug. "Thanks little M. I'm proud of you too kid. I'll text you when we get there safely and remember... Zeus is there for you when you miss me play?" Max said as Aiden popped his head in. "And Aiden's also there to give her hugs and cuddles." He said. The two siblings rolled their eyes and laughed at Aiden's comment. "Yes and Aiden's there too! I gotta go now but I'll see you guys in a week. Love you both!" He said before he and Stella got into the limo.

Aiden and Maddie stood there with the rest of the wedding party and guests waving goodbye to the happily married couple. Once the limo was out of sight, Maddie let out a big yawn and leaned her head on Aiden's shoulder. "Let's get out of here!" Aiden said. "Okay, let me just go and say bye to my parents and grandparents." Maddie replied heading towards a tree where her family was standing. "You guys heading out now?" Memphis asked as he stood next to Aiden. "Yeah, we're pretty exhausted from today's excitement." He replied. "Alright us too. Catch you guys later." Memphis said before he and Megan left.

"Okay, ready to go?" Maddie asked as she came back with a smile on her face. Aiden held out his hand and Maddie placed her tiny one in his before they left. "We're going to Max and Stella's for the week. We're Zeus sitting while they're away." Maddie announced once they got into Aiden's car. "That's fine." He replied before driving away.

After the two arrived at Max's place, they got out of their formal attire and changed into much comfier clothing before getting into Maddie's bed and turning on a movie to watch while they cuddled. As they watched the movie, Aiden looked down at Maddie who was focused on the scene until she broke her focus to look up at Aiden. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. Aiden took his free hand and moved some lose strands of hair from Maddie's face. "I was just looking back on how beautiful you looked tonight and how I got so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." He smiled. "Yeah, I ain't looking so pretty right now though do I?" She replied sarcastically. "Maddie, you always look beautiful babe." Aiden said before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

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