Chapter 5

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When they arrived at the zoo, the group began at the African pavilion and made their way slowly to the tundra. "Bro, that lion's a beast man!" Max said as they watched the lion pace back and forth. "Yeah man, a beat like me!" Aiden replied with a grin on his face.

Next they stopped at the elephants where they watched the zookeeper feed them. "Bet I can get one of them to make its sound!" Memphis said. "I'd like to see you try!" Felix replied as everyone laughed. Memphis made an elephant sound as everyone around him laughed. "See I told you it wouldn't work!" Felix said laughing.

After their long day at the zoo, the group went back to the Martin siblings' house. "Today was fun but I've gotta bounce. I've got work in the morning!" Memphis said as they all said goodbye to him. "Max what's for dinner?" Maddie asked going into the fridge for a bottle of water. "We can order a pizza." He said as the rest of them agreed.

Once they had finished dinner, Maddie got Zeus ready to go for his evening walk. "I'm taking Zeus for a run!" Maddie shouted while tying her shoes at the door. "Okay, be careful and don't forget your phone!" Max called out to his sister. "I won't!" She replied opening the door ready to take on the neighbourhood with her dog.

"I though you and Maddie always take Zeus for evening walks together?" Stella asked Max as she began to clean up from dinner. "We always do but do you really think I was going to leave you here with these two clowns?" He replied referring to Aiden and Felix. "You can go catch up to her man, don't let us hold you back from big M & little M sibling time." Aiden said. "No it's alright, she won't be long cause it's getting dark and it's just her and Zeus." Max replied.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Aiden it's all good bro." Aiden stood up from the table. "I feel bad now man. I'll go catch up with her so she'll have someone to talk to." Aiden said before heading out the door.

Aiden walked down the driveway and onto the sidewalk looking down the street to where he saw Maddie stopped not too far. "Maddie!" He shouted before running to catch up to her. Maddie looked up from her phone with a confused look. "Aiden? What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing's wrong. I just felt bad that we were cutting into your sibling time with Max. So I figured I'd join you on your run so you're not alone. If that's okay with you?" He replied as Maddie smiled. "Yeah, I'd love that." She replied as they began to run around the neighbourhood.

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