Chapter 74

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Once the third period had started and the boys were back in action, Maddie found herself sitting behind the glass in the Winnipeg zone ready to snap some action shots of the Rockets hopefully scoring some goals. She watched as Aiden, Max and Jacob raced down into the Giants' territory with the puck in their possession. Jacob passed it over to Max who look for an opening and options to make a play. At the last second before being approached by an opponent, Max played the puck over to Aiden who was wide open on the other side of the ice. Aiden received the pass and played around with the puck for a few seconds before taking a shot on net and celebrating the goal that his two line mates assisted.

A few days later, the Rockets were back in Toronto and off until Saturday. "Max, can you help me bring these boxes out to my car?" Maddie asked as she taped up the last box of her belongings she was moving into Aiden's place. "Is this everything?" He asked looking around at the 10 boxes on her bedroom floor. "Yeah and then the rest of my stuff that's not as important, I'm leaving here set up in my room for now along with some clothes for when we crash here." She replied.

When Max and Maddie arrived at Aiden's apartment, he met them out front of the building to help them bring Maddie's stuff up. "When we're done unpacking, I'll show you where you can park your car." Aiden said as the three of them walked past the security guard at the front desk before making their way to the elevator. Maddie hit the floor button and the elevator doors closed before it went up. "Stella moving in today?" Aiden asked looking over at Max. "Yeah, I told her to pick me up from here after we're done helping Maddie move into your place. Then I'll help her bring her stuff into my place." Max replied as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.

"This would be us." Maddie smiled stepping out into the hall and making her way to the end of the hall where Aiden's corner apartment was waiting. "Here we are, home sweet home!" Aiden said opening the door. "Where do you want the boxes?" He asked. "In your room?" Maddie replied. "Okay, just put them down on the bed for now." Aiden said as they placed the boxes down on the bed. "I'll unpack in a bit." Maddie said.

"Anyone want a water?" Aiden asked opening the fridge. "Yes please!" The Martin siblings replied. "Catch!" Aiden shouted as he threw a bottle at Maddie followed by another one at Max. "Thanks!" They replied in unison. "No problem." Said Aiden. "Ready for me to show you your new parking spot?" Aiden asked. "Yeah sure." Maddie replied. "Okay, let's go then." Aiden said as they made their way to the elevator for the second time. "Stella's here now so I'm gonna head out but I'll catch you guys later?" Max said as they said goodbye once they were in the lobby.

"And that's the last of everything!" Maddie said falling back onto the bed and starring up at the ceiling. "What time is it?" She asked turning to look at Aiden who had plopped down beside her. "9pm" he replied checking the time on his phone. "You hungry? I can order us a pizza." He asked. "Yeah, I could use some food. Meat lovers pizza?" Maddie asked in reply. "You know it!" He said getting up from the bed and helping Maddie up. "I'm going to order it and then wait down in the lobby for it to come. It shouldn't be too long." Aiden said. "Okay, I'm going to hop in the shower real quick." Maddie replied.

Maddie grabbed one of Aiden's hoodies and a pair of pyjama pants before making her way into the master bathroom to start running a hot shower. Once the water was a nice hot temperature, Maddie stepped into the shower and stood underneath the hot water.

Meanwhile Aiden was waiting down in the lobby for his pizza to be dropped off. "Hello Mr. Stanley." The security guard greeted when he noticed Aiden sitting on one of the chairs in the lobby. "Hey Phil, how's your night going?" He asked. "It's going great so far. Nice and quiet tonight." Phil replied as the door of the building opened. "Hi I um- I have a pizza delivery for A. Stanley."  The delivery man said. "That would be me." Aiden smiled paying the guy before taking the pizza. "Thanks man." He said before leaving.

"You have yourself a good night Phil!" Aiden smiled. "You too Aiden." He replied before Aiden mad his way towards the elevators that would lead him back up to his apartment where Maddie would be waiting.

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