Chapter 70

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"We can't leave now Aiden! It's pouring!" Maddie poured standing on the front porch watching as Aiden ran out onto the driveway to his car. "Mads, it's just water! You're not going to melt babe!" He smiled looking back at Maddie who had an overnight bag slung over her shoulder. "Come on!" He exclaimed.

"No! I'm waiting until it slows down a little." She replied. "If you don't get your ass over here and into my car, I'm coming to get you whether you like it or not!" Aiden said beginning to make his way to the porch.

"Alright, you asked for it babe!" He said picking Maddie up and putting her over his shoulder then grabbing her bag. "Aiden put me down!" She exclaimed. "Not until we get to the car." He replied as he walked across the driveway to his car where he then put Maddie down gently. "My clothes are drenched and now I'm cold!" She pouted before getting into the passenger's seat of Aiden's car. "You can change into some dry clothes when we get back to my place okay?" He smiled before closing the door.
"Okay... Can we cuddle too?" She asked once Aiden got into the driver's seat and started the car. "Anything you want princessa." He smiled as he placed a hand on her thigh. Maddie smiled at Aiden before he backed the car out of the driveway and made his way down the road towards his apartment building.

"Want to stop for lunch?" Aiden asked coming up to a red light. "Sure how about Dons?" She asked. "You just want your chicken nuggets don't you?" Aiden questioned. "How'd you know?!" She smiled as they advanced down the street to the nearest McDonalds  to grab some lunch.

Once inside Aiden's apartment, Maddie went straight to Aiden's room and grabbed a change of clothes. "I'm going to have a hot shower!" She yelled. "Okay!" Aiden shouted back from the kitchen where he was eating his burger.

A couple seconds later, a knock on the door interrupted Aiden's lunch. "Hey man, what brings you here?" He asked opening the door to reveal William. "Just stopped by to see if you wanted to hit the gym." William replied. "Aiden who's-." Maddie cut herself off when she noticed William standing there. "Hey Willy." She greeted as she put her wet hair into a messy bun. "Hey Mads, I see your eye's looking better than yesterday." He replied. "Yeah but still pretty bad." She replied stealing a French fry from Aiden.

"Did I interrupt something?" He questioned . "No not really, we just got home a few minutes ago." Aiden replied. "Oh I see. And you're stuffing your face with a burger because?" William asked with a laugh. "Hey don't judge! Everyone's allowed to have a cheat day now and then!" Aiden replied.

"Anyways I better get going now. I told Thomson I'd meet him at the gym. So I'll catch you guys later!" William said before leaving the apartment. "Are my nuggets in the bag?" Maddie asked taking a seat at the island. "Yep and so's your bbq sauce." Aiden replied.

Once they had finished eating, they went down the hall o Aiden's room and got all comfy and they watched the storm from his big bedroom window. "What are you looking at?" Maddie asked looking up at her boyfriend. "I'm admiring you." He smiled. "What's there to admire right now? My hair's in a messy bun, I'm wearing your hoodie and a pair of sweats oh and did I mention I also have a black eye?" She replied. "I'm looking past all that babe. I'm admiring your beauty from within because you're beautiful on the inside and you no matter what... You'll always have my heart." He replied running his hand through her hair.

When Maddie had woken up from her small nap she had taken, she checked the time on her phone to see that it was 5:45pm. She placed her phone back down on the night table and turned towards Aiden's side of the bed noticing that he was no longer in the room.

Maddie got out of the bed and made her way down the hall in search for Aiden. When she noticed he was nowhere to be seen inside, she opened the sliding door that led to his balcony. She stepped out quietly when she noticed him standing there looking down at the street and people below.

She closed the door and quietly snuck up behind her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his torso and hugged him from behind. " Did you have a nice sleep princessa?" He asked softly as he turned his head. "I did but now I'm kinda hungry." Maddie replied. "Well, I was thinking maybe we could make some pasta for dinner tonight." Aiden said. "Bow tie chicken Alfredo?" Maddie asked. "You read my mind." Aiden smiled.

"Come on, let's head inside and get started. Looks like it's going to storm out here again." Aiden said leading Maddie inside to the kitchen. "Your eye looks like it's getting a lot better." Aiden said grabbing pots and pans from the cupboard. "Yeah, it's not as black and blue as it was yesterday which is good and the swelling has gone down some more." Maddie replied grabbing some ingredients out of the fridge. "That's a good thing." Aiden said filling the pot with water.

"You know what we forgot to do?" Maddie asked as she began to prepare the sauce. "What's that?" Aiden replied. "We forgot the music!" She said unlocking her phone. "You better play some good stuff!" Aiden warned. "Don't you worry! I won't be playing my country playlist... Not right now anyways!" She said finally deciding on a playlist.

"You're going to love this playlist babe." Maddie smiled placing her phone down on the counter and turning on the Bluetooth speaker. A couple seconds later, Justin Bieber began to sing Intentions as Maddie got back to cooking. "Aye it's my guy JB!" Aiden smiled getting his phone out and recording a video of Maddie singing and dancing with her back turned to Aiden while she cooked.

"That's my girl!" Aiden exclaimed before he stopped recording. "A, do you have any bread we could toast and make garlic bread with?" Maddie asked him as she turned and noticed him sending something off onto his social media. "Yeah, check the freezer. There should be garlic toast in there." He replied. "Okay." She said going over to the fridge. "What did you post?" She asked putting the garlic toast onto a tray. "A video of you singing and dancing while you cooked dinner." He smiled. "I also tagged him in it and may have sent it to the team's group chat." He added as Maddie rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh, now they're going to see how terrible I am at singing and dancing!" She replied before finishing up the dinner preparations.

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