Chapter 22

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The next morning, Stella was the first one awake. She walked past Maddie's room and stopped at the slightly cracked open door to peek in and see Aiden and Maddie cuddled together sound asleep. "Awe they're so cute!" She whispered to herself before trying to sneak a pic and heading downstairs to let Zeus out the back.

"Morning Stelly!" Maddie said taking a seat at the island counter. "Morning Mads, how's you sleep?" She asked. "I slept fine. Why?" Maddie replied. Stella took some strawberries out of the fridge before replying. "Oh no reason..." She said. "You stopped by my room and took a picture of Aiden and I sleeping didn't you?" She replied as Stella's cheeks got a little red. "Alright, you caught me!" She replied. "But it was super cute and I couldn't resist!" She added.

"Morning ladies!" Max said entering the kitchen and placing a kiss on Stella's lips before going over and giving his sister a hug. "Morning." They both replied. "Looks like we won't be going for our morning run with Zeus today. It's pouring rain outside." Maddie said as Max turned and looked into the backyard where the rain was coming down. "Home workout it is for this morning then!" Max replied as Aiden appeared in the kitchen.

"I'm in for that!" He said taking a seat on the empty stool beside Maddie. "Good morning beautiful." He said planting a kiss on her cheeks. "Good morning sleepyhead!" Maddie replied as Stella placed a plate in front of the trio. "Breakfast is served!" She said before sitting in the last empty stool beside Max. "Stella, this looks delicious!" Maddie exclaimed. "Thanks babe." Max replied before they all dug into their food.

Later when Maddie and Max arrived at the Tremblay's house to babysit, Eryn began to show Maddie where everything was. "So his bottles are in the fridge and if he wants one you can heat it up in the microwave. We've also slowly started him on different soft solid foods so right now we're introducing him to bananas and muffins if you want to try and feed him that." Eryn said showing Maddie where to find everything food related in the kitchen. "Oh and we usually put Jace down for a nap around 1pm and let him sleep for an hour or so." She added.

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