Chapter 76

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"Breakfast time ladies!" Stella's mom had shouted from the kitchen as she placed the lay of the cooked bacon onto a plate. Stella and her bridesmaids crew came trailing into the kitchen to sit themselves around her family's dinner table. " I can not believe that my baby girl is getting married today!" Her mom exclaimed. "I know mom, I can't believe it either! But I'm glad I'm doing it with my favourite girls by my side!" Stella smiled at Maddie, Eryn, Meg and Christina. "And we couldn't be happier to be a part of this big day!" Meg smiled in reply.

After breakfast was done, the girls began to get ready for the day. "Mads, when Christina's done your makeup, my mom will be ready to do your hair." Stella called over to Maddie. "Okay!" Maddie replied. "Alright, now for some sparkles and then your makeup is complete!" Christina smiled. "And there! You look gorgeous girl!" She said after adding the finishing touches. "Okay, come on over here honey and I'll get started on your hair!" Stella's mom said. "Once everyone has their hair and makeup done, we'll get you all into your dresses!" She said.

Meanwhile, Max and his groomsmen had just finished a round of gold a few minutes ago and were now enjoying breakfast he had ordered to go. "Ready to spend forever with Stella after today?" Stella's brother asked Max as the boys dished food onto their plates. "Sure am buddy and can't wait to be brothers!" He replied with a smile. "I'm betting $10 that Meg catches the bouquet tonight!" Aiden said pointing to Memphis. "Nah man, $20 says it's Maddie!" He replied. "Agreed!" Max said. "Knowing her, she'll be the one to catch it!" Will chimed in. "Alright, if you think Maddie's going to catch the bouquet raise your hand." Stella's brother said as Max along with a couple other guys raised their hands. "Okay now hands up if you think Meg's gonna catch it." He said as Memphis raised his hand.

"Alright, everyone ready fo go?" Stella asked the girls as yeahs could be heard throughout the group. Before they left the house, the photographer captured a few group shots of the bridal party. "Okay, let's go get this bride married!" Maddie exclaimed as the group of girls got into the limo that would take them to their ceremony.

"I'm ready to paaarrrtay!" Maddie exclaimed once they had arrived at the ceremony location about 30 minutes later. "Alright, let's go get these ladies lined up and ready to walk down the aisle." Stella's mom said as Bonnie moved past them to find the boys. "Your father should be here in a couple of minutes." Stella's mom said. "My brother's definitely going to cry when he sees how beautiful you are girl!" Maddie smiled. "Yep that's Max, a big softie!" She smiled.

"There's my baby girl! You look absolutely gorgeous Stella." Her dad exclaimed with tears in his eyes. "Thank you daddy. I love you." She replied giving him a big hug. "I love you too sweetheart." He replied. "Now let's do this!" Stella said as the music began to play and the bridesmaids began to walk towards the doors that were being opened.

Once the bridesmaids had made their way down the aisle, the pastor asked that everyone stand for the entrance of the bride. The music began to play as Stella began to move down the aisle accompanied by her dad. Maddie looked over towards her big brother who appeared to be a little nervous and happy at the same time as tears of joy began to fill his eyes.  "It's okay, take a deep breath!" She mouthed to him as he gave her a small nod. Once Stella and her father arrived at the altar, he hugged Max before proceeding to give Stella's hand to Max who smiled at her and whispered. "You look amazingly beautiful."

"We father here today, to celebrate the love between Stella Marie McLean and Maxwell Martin. If anyone would like to object to the unison of the bride and the groom, speak now or forever hold your peace." The pastor said before a brief pause. "Now, Stella and Maxwell have written some vows to share. The groom will begin with his and then we will proceed with the bride's vows." The pastor announced as Max pulled out his vows from his suit pocket.

"Stella, you have been my best friend for the past seven years now and today as we stand up here in front of our friends and our family, I want you to continue to be my best friend until the end of time. Stell, you are such a kind, loving and compassionate soul and do everything out of love. I still remember the first time we met at that party, you were sitting in the couch alone and kept checking your phone. I remember walking over and sitting down next to you beginning a conversation. I made some pretty shitty jokes that somehow you found funny and laughed at. And that's how our story began. Now as we stand here today, I look at you with a big smile on my face because today's the day that we begin a new chapter of our lives together. Today we begin our forever." Max finished reading before looking back up into Stella's eyes.

Stella wiped her tears away as she prepared to read her vows. "Maxwell Martin, ever since the first time we met, I knew that you'd be the one. The one to be my best friend for the past seven years of our lives and now, a whole life time. I never really knew what it felt like to be loved by someone until I met you. The day you came into my life, all that changed. You showed me your kind, loving and caring side and of course the crappy jokes you make now and then. There is absolutely no other person I'd rather do this life thing with but you. I love you Max and here's to our forever!" She finished as she smiled at Max and wiped a few more tears from her eyes.

"Now by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you... Mr and Mrs. Maxwell Martin! Max, you may now kiss your bride!" The pastor said as Max and Stella leaned in and had their first kiss as newly weds.

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