Chapter 53

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Later once everyone was back at Max and Maddie's house, they were just hanging out in the backyard and enjoying the beginning of their summer. "So you excited to be graduating on Friday?" Memphis asked taking a seat next to Maddie who was sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet dipped in the water. "Most definitely excited!" She replied. "You'll be there right?" She asked. "Of course I will Mads. You know I'd never miss an important event like that!" Memphis replied.

"Hey guys!" Eryn greeted as she and Jacob appeared in the backyard. "Hey Eryn!" Stella and Maddie greeted at the same time. "Need help with anything?" Stella asked getting up from her chair to help. "I brought some drinks and snacks for later. It just has to go in the fridge." Eryn replied as Stella helped her carry everything to the outdoor kitchen and bar area.

"You getting in or what?" Tyler asked Maddie who was watching the boys play basketball in the pool. "Yeah I will, just not at the moment." She replied. "Oh come on Mads! You're such a party pooper!" Cody exclaimed. "Am not!" She replied back before standing up from the edge of the pool and taking her sunglasses off. "Come on in then! What are you waiting for?" Tyler shouted as Maddie began walking towards the deep end of the pool where she was about to dive in. "I'm coming! Give me a -." She began to say before screaming at someone to put her down. But it was too late, the strong pair of arms that had picked her up, had thrown her into the pool. When she resurfaced, she looked up to see Aiden and Max smiling at her while the rest of the guys laughed. "Not funny! And you guys better watch yourselves because I'll get you back for this!" She shouted.

"Didn't think you were getting in at all at the slow rate you were moving!" Max replied before going over to start the bbq up. "Sorry babe, I had to do it. The opportunity was literally right in front of me so I went for it." Aiden said as Maddie just looked at him. "You're lucky I love you." She said before going underwater and swimming towards the shallow end where Jacob was setting Jace into a baby pool floaty.

"Awe look at the little guy. He's so cute with his little sun hat and sunglasses on in his little floaty." Maddie gushed. "Gets it from his mama. Right buddy?" Jacob said as Jace laughed. "Burgers will be ready in about 10 minutes!" Max yelled. "Thanks for the warning!" Cody shouted from the deep end of the pool.

"Hey who wants to take me on in a chicken fight?" Aiden asked. "I'm down!" Tyler exclaimed. "Alright, Willy let me climb up on your shoulders?" Aiden asked. "Nah I'm good man!" William replied. "I got you A man!" Felix said going over to the middle of the pool where Tyler and Aiden were ready to have a chicken fight. "Hey Monte, want to help a fellow line mate our?" Tyler asked. "Yeah sure thing buddy!" He replied as Tyler climbed up onto his shoulders.

"You guys better be careful you don't hurt yourselves." JT said as the two boys began to play fight. "Don't worry, we've got this! Johnson ain't gonna last long!" Aiden smirked. "Oh are those fighting words?"  Tyler shouted throwing a little more effort into his shoving. A couple minutes later, Tyler went splashing into the water and Aiden held his hands up in victory. "Who's next?" He exclaimed.

"I think Mads wants a go at it!" Stella shouted from the patio table where she was putting salad out. Aiden looked at his girlfriend with raised eyebrows. "Oh no no no no nooo! I am not fighting Aiden while I'm on the top of someone's shoulders! Absolutely not!" Maddie shouted. "Come on! I won't hurt you!" He replied. Maddie took a minute to think. "Okay fine." She said as she seam over towards the middle of the pool. "Here Mads, get on the top of my shoulders." Memphis said as she climbed on. "Alright on 3. 1...2...3!" Zach yelled as Aiden and Maddie began to push each other.

"Yes I win!" Maddie yelled as Aiden fell off of Felix's shoulders and into the water. "Burgers are ready!" Max shouted as the boys raced to get out of the pool to fry off and have some food.

"You let me win didn't you?" Maddie asked Aiden as they swam over to the pool ladder. "Maybe I did but only because I knew you didn't want to do it." Aiden replied as they went over to the lounger chairs to grab their towels. "I knew it!" She said. "I did it because I wasn't even trying. Now can we go eat please!" Aiden replied.

Later that night, they were all sitting underneath the starry sky around the fire pit. "So, the big grad celebration is happening next Friday... You excited?" Eryn asked as she rocked Jace to sleep. "Oh yeah! Max and I have everything all set to go for my grad after party." Maddie replied. "We're excited to celebrate your academic accomplishments with you girl!" Stella said before sipping on her red wine. "And don't you worry Maddie, the boys will be in the crowd cheering for you loud and proud." William smiled.

"Yeah, we'll be there to watch you walk across the stage girl!" Cody said referring to Will and himself. "I'll be there too." Tyson said. "Yep and so will we!" Jacob said. "You guys are honestly the best!" Maddie replied. "Well we are your hockey family so technically that makes us like your real family too. Making us your brothers by choice." William said. "Yeah but I'm still her favourite!" Max smiled. "Your parents coming down from BC?" Zach asked. "Yeah, they went to visit some friends out in Calgary before coming down but they'll be here tomorrow afternoon." Maddie replied before getting up and going to get some s'more kits for them to cook over the fire.

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