Chapter 42

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After dinner, the three boys cleaned up while Maddie went upstairs to have a nice hot shower and change into some pjs. "Feel any better?" A voice startled her as she looked over to her bedroom door to see Stella standing there. "Much better!" Maddie replied with a smile. "How was work?" She asked pulling her brother's hoodie over her head before going over to her dresser and brushing her hair. "Oh ya know, it was work." Stella replied.

"Want to come watch a movie with us?" Stella asked before getting ready to leave the room. "No I'm okay thanks." Maddie replied picking up her sketch book and pencils. Zeus came into her room a couple minutes after Stella had left and hopped up on the end of their bed. "What kind of sketch should we work on tonight?" She asked looking at the dog. A moment of silence went by before an idea came to her. "I've got it!" She exclaimed pulling a picture up on her phone before beginning to draw.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Aiden asked appearing in the doorway with an arm leaning against the door frame. Maddie finished up the last bit of details in her sketch before looking over to Aiden. "Just doing some sketching." She replied as Aiden moved into the room and took a seat on the edge of her bed. "Want to see it?" She asked. "I'd love to." Aiden replied. Maddie turned her sketch book towards Aiden to reveal what she had finished drawing.

"Wow! You drew this?" He asked in astonishment. Maddie shook her head as Aiden looked at the beautiful drawing in front of his eyes. "This is absolutely amazing babe!" He said. "Thanks. I got my inspiration from this." Maddie replied as she showed her boyfriend a picture from her phone. "That's the picture of us that you too a couple weeks ago at practice." He said with a grin. "I love it." He added. "And I love you!" Maddie replied as Aiden looked over to her for a moment before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you too." Aiden replied after parting from their kiss.

A couple weeks later, it was the beginning of June and the day Maddie was going to get her cast taken off. "You know the both of you didn't have to come." She said as her Max and Aiden were walking through the hospital parking lot. "We know." They both replied in unison. "But we wanted to." Max replied. "Plus this afternoon my family's flight comes in so I've got to pick them up from the airport later." Aiden said as they sliding doors of the hospital opened and the trio walked in.

"You never told me your family was coming to town!" Maddie said as the three of them stepped onto the elevator. "It was suppose to be a surprise but I knew if I didn't tell you now, my sisters would text you and ask where you were." Aiden replied as the elevator came to a stop and they got off on the fourth floor.

"Hi, I'm here to get my cast removed." Maddie said to the receptionist that was sitting behind the desk. "Okay and your name please." She replied. "Maddie Martin." The receptionist typed something up before pulling up Maddie's file. "Okay, just have a seat and I'll call you when we're ready for you." The lady replied.

"You guys ready for game 5 tonight?" Maddie asked looking at the boys. "We play tomorrow Mads." Max replied. "Oh yeah, that's right!" She said. "But to answer your question, yes... Yes we are." Max answered. "You going to come to the game tomorrow?" Aiden asked. "Planing on it!" Maddie smiled. "Just make sure you bring some Tylenol and earbuds in case the loudness bothers your concussion." Max said. "Yes mom!" Maddie replied rolling her eyes. "Don't want your symptoms to get worse. That's all!" Max replied.

"Maddie Martin?" The doctor called a couple minutes later. "You guys stay here... and behave!" She said in a stern voice to the boys. "Yes ma'am!" They both replied. "I'll be out in a bit." She said before following the do it or to the exam room.

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