Chapter 33

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After breakfast was one, the two grabbed some blankets and built a Fort in the living room before adding some of the couch cushions as walls to make it a little more cozy. "Let me go grab my laptop." Aiden said as Maddie added some twinkle lights on the inside before taking a picture and sending it to Stella and adding it to her Snapchat story. Before she sent it, Maddie captioned it Lazy days with him ❤️. After she sent it, Stella instantly replied with omg you guys are literally the cutest!

"And I'm back! What should we watch?" Aiden asked before the two of them crawled into their fort. "Want to binge watch the first season of Upload?" Maddie asked. "Or Greys?" She added. "Let's binge Greys." Aiden replied logging onto Netflix. "Okay well prepare to see me bawl my eyes out then!" Maddie said.

Halfway through their binge watching day, they had ordered pizza for lunch. "I like this, it's nice." Aiden said with one arm around Maddie while he ate his slice of pizza with the other hand. "Me too." Maddie smiled at him as she snuggled into his side.

That night, they had cleaned up all the pillows and blankets before moving back into Aiden's room. "Want to stay a second night?" Aiden asked. "I mean... aren't I already?" Maddie replied with a smile. "I'll take that as a yes then." He replied.

As Aiden turned on the tv to watch the next episode while they laid in bed, the power had gone out due to the thunderstorm outside. "Great! Now what?" Maddie asked. "Here, follow me." Aiden said grabbing a blanket and going over to the big comfy chair in the corner of his room that looked out the window over towards the lake. "What are we going to do?" Maddie asked as Aiden got comfortable in the chair before pulling Maddie onto his lap and wrapping the blanket around both of them. "We are going to watch the lightning show." Aiden replied.

The next morning Maddie had woken up in Aiden's bed confused to how she got there before recalling that she had fallen asleep in the chair watching the storm with Aiden. "Morning beautiful." Aiden said coming out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. "Morning handsome." Maddie replied before stretching.

"I've got a team
Meeting to go to this morning and then later this afternoon, we're flying out to Vancouver for a game against the Vultures." Aiden said grabbing a pair of ripped jeans and a tee before going back into the bathroom to change. "I'll drop you off at home and go to the meeting with Max. Then we'll come back and hangout at your place for a bit because knowing Max he probably hasn't finish packing yet." Aiden added. "Okay sounds good and I think Stella and I are driving you guys to the airport this afternoon." Maddie replied getting out of bed and getting changed into a pair of ripped jeans and one of Aiden's hoodies.

Once both of them were ready and in the car, they drove to the Martin siblings's house so that Maddie could do some house chores while the boys were gone to the meeting.

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