Chapter 52

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After taking pictures with Stella and Memphis too, Maddie was ready to put some jeans and a hoodie in to skate around and take shots on net. "Are we done now?" She asked her brother. "We're done with the pictures that you wanted taken but I've got one more surprise for you." Max said. "And what's that?" She asked as her brother smiled. "Come on our boys!" He shouted as JT, Will, Cody, Felix, Holland, Monte, Tyson and Tyler stepped out from the tunnel and onto the ice. "We're going to take a group shot, or a few with the guys. It's up to you though." Max said. "I asked the guys if they could help me pull this off  but I only managed to get these guys in on it since everyone else went home or away for the summer." He added.

"Thank you Max." Maddie smiled big as she gave her brother a tight squeeze of a hug. "Alright, I'm going to get the guys into two rows and Maddie, you're going to stand in the first row between Max and Will." The photographer said as they all got into place. "Oh guys wait! You need these!" Stella exclaimed bringing each of them a black graduation cap with the Toronto Rockets logo on them. "Okay, now when I say three, you guys will throw your caps in the air while Maddie keeps hers on and looks up in the air smiling." The photographer said.

"Alright on 3. 1...2...3!" He said snapping the pic. "Wait where's Aiden?" Maddie asked after the picture was taken. "I'm right here love." He said coming out from the team's tunnel in his jersey and a pair of jeans, holding a bouquet of flowers in his had before meeting Maddie at centre ice with the boys surrounding them. "Awe this is absolutely the cutest thing ever!" Stella gushed as the photographer snapped a few pictures.

"I believe these are for you." Aiden said handing Maddie the flowers. "Aiden, they're beautiful! Thank you." Maddie replied before giving him a peck on the lips. "You're welcome beautiful." He replied. "Aiden why don't you dip her at centre ice as a pose and she can hold her grad cap in front of your faces  while you give her a kiss. That would make for one of the cutest grad / couple pics!" Stella gushed as she smiled at her suggestion. "You know, I kind alike that idea Stell!" Maddie replied. "Would that be okay?" She asked the photographer. "Of course! I love that idea!" He replied as the two got ready to pose and the photographer got in position to take the picture.

After all the pictures were taken, the group grabbed their hockey sticks for a small scrimmage. "Thanks again for doing all this for us man. It's greatly appreciated." Max said to the guy. "Of course, it was my please. I'm going to work on editing them and then send you the link later as well as put them on UBS for you guys. " He replied before picking up
His camera equipment and heading to his office.

"Okay, team captains! It's ladies first so Maddie gets first pick and then Aiden gets second." Jacob said as everyone but Aiden and Maddie stood on the blue line waiting to be chosen for a team. "Alright girl! Chose your player!" Tyler exclaimed. Maddie knew exactly who her first pick was going to be as she made eye contact with her big brother. "Okay, Max you're stuck with me!" She said as Max skated over next to her.

"Sorry not sorry A, family first!" Maddie grinned. "That's okay because I know you want Will on your team but sorry to break it to you sunshine, he's my first pick. Willy get over here man." Aiden chirped back. "Monte, you're with us!" Maddie said as he skated over to stand next to Max. "Tyson." Aiden said.

"Felix." Maddie said as Aiden made a face. Hey you're lucky I put the goalie pads in cause I wasn't about to get in net today." Felix exclaimed. "Holland." Aiden said pointing to Zach. Cody was Maddie's next pick and Tyler was Aiden's. "Alright bestie, you're with us!" Maddie said pouting her stick towards Memphis who skated over and fist bumped both Martin siblings. "And that means JT, you're stuck with us buddy!" Aiden said as they completed their teams.

"Okay who wants to play net for our side?" Aiden asked his scrimmage team. "I'll hang back but nobody better take hard shots on me! I don't have the gear like Andrews does!" Tyler replied. "You got it buddy!" Zach exclaimed. "Okay, first team to 5 goals wins." William said as Aiden and Max get ready for the face off. "NHL on three?" Max asked. "NHL on three." Aiden replied. "1,2,3... N,H,L." They said as they hit their sticks against each other's to determine the face off winner. Max won the draw and played the puck back to Maddie and Mont on defence.

"And that's game! Team Martin wins!" Felix says as they all skated towards the bench to grab their water bottles and head down to the dressing room to take off their skates. "Hey you guys want to come back to our place for a BBQ and a swim?"  Max asked as they sat down to untie their skates. "I'm down." Felix and Cody replied. "Is it okay if I bring Eryn and the little guy along?" Jacob asked. "Yeah of course!" Max replied.

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