Chapter 80

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A couple weeks later on a rainy Sunday morning, Aiden and Maddie were laying in bed looking out the window as the rain fell down onto the busy city streets. "Who's texting you this early in the morning?" Aiden asked as Maddie reached for her phone from the bedside table. "It's Max." She replied before reading the text. "What does he want?" Aiden asked confused. "Stella's water broke and they're on their way to the hospital." Maddie replied sitting up and replying to her brother's text.

"Well what are we still doing laying around in bed? Let's go!" Aiden said before the two got out of bed and rushed to get dressed. "Auntie Maddie's ready for baby cuddles!" Maddie shouted hopping out of bed and running to the walk in closet. "We're going to be the best aunt and uncle around!" She exclaimed.

"Was he born yet? Is he here?" Maddie asked as she and Aiden rushed into the hospital room. "Shh shh shh!" Stella whispered with a smile on her face. "Aiden, Maddie... Meet baby James Peter Martin." Max said softly taking his newborn baby boy into his arms to show his sister and Aiden. "Hiya buddy, I'm your uncle Aiden." Aiden said holding out his finger for James to latch onto. "Awe you guys, he's adorable! Congrats!" Maddie cooed watching the boys. "Would you like to hold him?" Max asked with a big smile on his face. "Of course I would! I've been waiting so long for baby Marty cuddles!" Maddie exclaimed as Max handing James over to her.

"Hi sweet baby James. It's your auntie Maddie here." She whispered smiling down at her newborn nephew. "You're such a lucky boy James... Your mommy is very sweet and caring and can't wait for you to come home and meet Zeus. And your daddy well he's..." Maddie paused. "He's a good man and I know he can't wait to teach you how to skate and play hockey. Your daddy's very protective so I know he's going to be the best role model you'll ever have." She concluded as she looked up for a moment. "What are you guys looking at?" She asked when she noticed the three starring at her. "You're already rocking the auntie duties Mads and one day, you're gonna make the best mom out there!" Max said with a loving smile as he took a seat next to his sister. "Say cheese!" Aiden said snapping a picture of the brother and sister and the addition to the Martin family.

"You want to hold him bubs?" Maddie asked looking at Aiden. "Yeah, I'd love to." Aiden replied as Maddie gently handed James over to Aiden. "Hey buddy! Look at you little man, you've got your dad's eyes man." He gently spoke as James looked up at him. While Aiden watched James in awe, Maddie napped a few pictures before the door to the hospital room opened.

"Hello!" Mr and Mrs. Martin greeted. "Where's my first grandson?" Peter asked. Max and Maddie walked towards their parents and gave them a hug. "He's having some guy time with uncle Aiden over there." Maddie pointed over to where the two boys sat. "Would you like to meet your grandson?" Max asked. "Of course we would!" Bonnie smiled. Aiden stood up as Bonnie and Peter sat down. "Mom, dad... Met your first grandchild, James Peter Martin." Max said as he placed James in his mom's arms. "Max, Stella... He's absolutely precious." Bonnie said admiring her new grandson. "Thank you." Stella smiled.

A couple hours later, Aiden and Maddie were ready to leave and head home. "Oh wait! Before you guys go, could we get a group shot of us?" Stella asked. "Yeah of course we can." Maddie replied as she and Aiden walked over to one side of the bed. Max sat next to Stella and James on the bed while Peter got the picture. "Okay and how about a Martin family photo?" Stella asked. "Here Peter, I'll take the picture for you." Aiden said as he took the phone while Peter went over to his family. Max made sure that everyone was in the shot before taking the picture.

"Alright, we'll come visit you guys later when you settle in at home." Aiden said. "Alright, talk to you guys later. Thanks for coming!" Stella replied. "You know I wouldn't have missed it for the world!" Maddie smiled. "Bye, love you guys!" Aiden and Maddie said before exiting the hospital room to make their way home.

It was now the end of another hockey season and the Rockets had made it to the championship finals against the Walleye. The boys had worked so had this season to get where they are now and were really hoping for the title of champions this year.

"Don't worry babe, just go out there and give it your all." Maddie said entangling her hand with Aiden's as they cuddled up for a big pre game nap. "I know but this is for the trophy Mads! That's a lot of pressure!" Aiden replied. "You guys can do it! I believe in you, your family believes in you and all your fans believe in you! Now get some rest, you need that power nap to give you energy for tonight." Maddie said before giving Aiden a kiss and closing her eyes for a nap.

"Max wake up babe, I time for you to get ready and go to the rink. Aiden and Maddie will be here in an hour to pick you up." Stella exclaimed shaking her husband awake. "You're not coming ahead of the game?" He asked wiping his tires eyes. "No, I put James down for his nap later today sill I'll drive down later and meet you there." She replied as Max got out of bed and walked into their shared closet fo pick out a suit for tonight's game.

"Alright, I'll see you at the rink Stell, love you." He said placing a kiss on Stella's lips. "And I love you too JP." He coped placing a small kiss on his son's head. Aiden and Maddie waved at Stella and the baby from the car. "See you guys soon!" She shouted before the car pulled away.

Once they arrived at the arena, the trio reported to the team locker room and parted ways. "No matter what happens out there tonight, you're both going to be great!" Maddie smiled giving both boys a hug. "Thanks Mads, I love you kid." Max replied. "You'll always have my heart princessa. I love you babe." Aiden said placing a kiss in her forehead. "Love you guys too!" Maddie smiled before they parted ways to get ready for the big game.

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