Chapter 10

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"Mads wake up, we've gotta go to the rink! It's 3pm." Max said waking his sister up from her nap. Once she was awake, Maddie went upstairs to change into a pair of black jeans and threw on one of her brother's jerseys before heading back downstairs. "Look at you girl! Represent!" Stella exclaimed as Maddie threw on her white sneakers.

"How come you're not repping my jersey?" I thought we were best friends?" Will said with a hurt expression on his face. "Didn't you know she's her big brother's number one fan?" Max replied while backing the Jeep out of the driveway. "It's okay Willy, you're still my best friend." I'll wear your jersey on the next away game." Maddie said.

When they arrived at Centre street arena, Max took his regular parking spot and the group made their way into the arena through the players entrance. "You and Stell chill in the lounge for a couple minutes, we're just going to put our stuff down in the locker room." Max said before he and William disappeared around the corner.

"Hey Stella, hi Maddie!" Jacob and Eryn greeted coming from the entrance. "Hey guys, how are you?" Stella asked the couple. "Good, getting ready for pick drop in a couple hours." Jacob  replied before going to drop his bag off in the locker room. "Awe is this the sweet little Jace I keep hearing about?" Maddie asked as Jace grasped her finger. "It is! And tonight's his first game watching his daddy!" Eryn replied. "Can I hold him?" Maddie asked. "Of course you can!" Eryn replied passing her son to Maddie as she looked down at the little guy who was smiling up at her. "Oh my gosh, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen!"Maddie exclaimed. "Here, pass me your phone and I'll take a picture of you." Stella said as Maddie did so. While Stella was snapping multiple pictures of Jace and Maddie, Max, Will, Jacob and Felix appeared from around the corner.

"Alright, who let my sister hold a baby?" Max asked as Jacob and Eryn laughed. "No for real, now that she's holding your son you won't be getting him back!" Max said as Maddie rolled her eyes and replied. "It's not my fault I love babies!" Then she added. "Don't worry JT, you'll get your son back... At some point."

When the group got to the team dining hall, they sat down at an empty table and waited for their meals to arrive. "You know Maddie, we're looking for a babysitter for Jace." Eryn said starting up a conversation with the girl. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, just a few times a week." Jacob said. "Would you like to take that job?" Eryn asked as Maddie's eyes lit up. "Of course I would absolutely love it!" She replied. "Love what?" Aiden asked taking the empty seat between Max and Will. "Maddie's going to babysit Jace for us a few times a week." Jacob replied.

After the team had their pregame meal, Stella, Maddie and Eryn went to take their seats down at the glass while the boys all went back down to the dressing room to get ready for tonight's game against the Chicago Crows. "Is Memphis coming tonight?" Stella asked. "Yeah, he texted me a while ago and said he was on his way." Maddie replied.

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