Chapter 58

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*A couple days later*

"Maddie is all your stuff here and ready to go?" Max yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, that's everything! I'll put my camera and the go pro in my backpack along with our laptops." She replied as she came down the stairs to help Max pack the Jeep. "I took  some of our stuff out to the car already." Max said. "Okay." Maddie replied as she finished gathering all her belongings that were going with them.

"Alright is that everything?" Maddie asked. "Yep." Max replied. "Get Zeus into the car and I'll lock up." Max said pulling his keys out from his pocket and going back into the house. "Come on Zeus, up you go buddy." Maddie said patting the back seat. "Good boy!" She said once the dog jumped into the back seat. "Okay, we're good. Now let's get this show on the road!" Max exclaimed as they both opened their car doors and hopped in.

"Gotta stop and get gas before we hit the highway." Max said as he backed the Jeep out of the driveway. "And once we get up there, we'll have to stop at the grocery store to get some food after we drop everything off at the cottage." Maddie replied. "Yep or else we aren't eating for two weeks." Max said as they reached the main road intersection.

"Okay, now we're good to go!" Max said hopping back into the drivers seat and pulling out from the gas station and onto the road. "When I go to Arizona with Aiden for two weeks, what are you going to do? Because Stella's gone on her family vacation." Maddie asked looking over to her big brother. "I'm going to go on a guys golfing trip with Monte, Will and Cody." He replied. "That should be fun." Maddie said plugging her phone into the aux and blasting some Justin Bieber.

"Picture perfect you don't need no filter..." Maddie began to sing along as Max turned the song up a little louder and hopped his head along with the music. "Gorgeous make 'Em drop dead you a killer..." Max continued as Maddie began to take a Snapchat video to send to Stella and the boys.

"Mads wake up." Max said as Maddie slowly opened her eyes. "Max where are we?" She asked confused. "I stopped so we could grab some lunch." He replied as they both opened their car doors to stretch their legs. "You want to go in and order and I'll let Zeus out to stretch and do his business?" Max asked opening the back door of the Jeep. "Okay sure. You want your regular?" She asked. "Yeah that's fine and if you want, grab a small box of timbits too." He replied before she went into the Tim Hortons.

"Alright, here's your large ice cap and farmers wrap with a strawberry yogurt for dessert." Maddie said a couple minutes later when she came back with their food. "Thanks. What did you get?" Max asked. "My regular which is literally the same thing as you minus the yogurt." She replied sitting down next to her brother on the back of the Jeep. "Did you get the timbits?" He asked. "They're right here brother, don't you worry!" Maddie replied holding up the box of timbits.

Once the two were done eating their lunch, they got back into the Jeep and continued the second half of their drive up to the cottage. This time listening to some Taylor Swift. "Man these are some huge throwbacks! I remember when you used to blast T-Swift throughout the house when you were younger!" Max said as mine began to play. "Yep and T-Swift never ever gets old!" Maddie smiled in reply.

"You know Max, I'm really looking forward to spending some brother sister bonding time with you for the next couple of weeks." Maddie smiled. "You know what Mads me too. It's been a long while since we've spent some dividing time just the two of us." Max replied.

"And we have arrived!" Max said putting the car into park as they stopped at their beautiful log cabin style cottage. "Aaaah, the cottage!" Maddie said getting out of the car and taking in a deep breath while stretching. "Come on boy." Max said opening the back door for Zeus to get out. "I'll unlock and open up some windows. I'll help you unload the stuff in a minute." Maddie said getting her cottage keys out. "Alright." Max replied.

"Come on Zeus, let's go take a look at what's happening out on the lake." Max said walking toward the dock as Zeus followed behind him. After spending a few minutes down on the dock, Max and Zeus came back up to the car. "Everything's good inside, I opened the bedroom windows and main floor windows to let the fresh air flow through for a big until the heat hits this afternoon. Then we can turn on the AC." Maddie said opening the trunk and beginning to unpack.

Once the si I longs had everything out of the Jeep and unpacked, they grabbed the cooler and some groceries bags before heading out to the grocery store in town. "Be a good boy while we're gone. Okay Zeusie?" Maddie said giving him some food and water before going out to the car.

"Before we head back to the cottage, I've got to get some gas for the boat and the seadoos." Max said as they made their way into the grocery store. "Okay and while we're there, we may as well grab some ice for the week too." Maddie said as Max grabbed a shopping cart. "Already on the top of the list with the drinks!" Max replied.

"Okay what do we want to eat for two weeks?" Max asked as the two scanned through the produce department. "Well, we're going to need burgers for when the boys come up." Maddie said. "Right and then I was thinking chicken and pasta one night." Max replied. "We definitely have to put cheeseburger bowls and taco salad on the menu for the week too!" Maddie exclaimed. "Okay, let's get our fruits and veggies first because we're going to need fruits for our smoothie bowls and to snack on too." Max replied. "Then we can go from there for the rest of the stuff." He added as he put a couple heads of iceberg lettuce into the cart.

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