Chapter 57

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"Hey man. Where'd you guys go?" Memphis asked as Max opened the front door. "We went on a morning jog before everyone else got up." Max replied. "And how was it?" Memphis asked. "There was a nice breeze today." Maddie replied.

Later that morning at the diner, the group sat at their regular large corner booth talking about the off season activities and trips they would be doing. "Yeah I think we're going to have some Martin bonding time up at the cottage for a few weeks." Max mentioned. "I'm heading home for a couple of weeks." Aiden said.

"Alright, I've got the chocolate chip pancakes and bacon here and the bacon, eggs and home fries." The waitress said coming over to the table with some plates of food. "Pancakes are right here." Maddie said as the waitress placed the plate in front of her. "Thank you." Maddie smiled. "You're welcome honey." The waitress replied.

"You guys want to hang today?" Memphis asked the brother and sister. "Yeah sure." Max replied. "You guys want to go for a hike today?" Maddie asked the three boys and Stella. "Hell yeah! I'm down!" Memphis replied. "Alright." Aiden chimed in. Once they finished at the diner, the group got to their cars in the parking lot and said bye to Monte, Tyson and Tyler and Maddie gave Kylie a hug.

"Alright, we'll head back to the house first and drop off one of the cars then we can all hop in the Jeep and head over to the trails." Max said unlocking his jeep.

"Here let's stop here and get a drink." Memphis said as the five stopped at a bench along the trail to take a short break. "I heard there's a waterfall somewhere along this trail." Stella said opening her water bottle. "Yeah, Max and I go swimming down in the little water hole below the waterfall on the hot hiking days." Maddie replied putting her bottle back in the backpack before they continued along the trail.

" I think I can hear it." Aiden said a few minutes later. "Yeah come on, the falls are down this way." Maddie replied taking hold of Aiden's hand and leading the group to the hidden waterfall. "Wow, this is awesome!" Memphis said taking his phone out to take a picture of the scene in front of him.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's jump in!" Max exclaimed as he dropped the backpack to the ground before taking off his shirt. "Are you guys coming or not?" He asked taking his socks and shoes off. "Count me in!" Maddie exclaimed before taking her sneakers and socks off and following her brother to their jumping rock. "Come on guys!" Maddie shouted as the three remaining by the rocks looked at each other. "You guys go, I'll stay and guard the bags." Stella said. "You sure?" Memphis asked. "Yeah I'm sure." She replied as Memphis and Aiden went to join Maddie and Max.

"Stell's not coming?" Max asked. "Nah, she said she's gonna guard the bags." Aiden replied. "Okay Stell! Count us down!" Maddie yelled. "Alright one... two... THREE!" She shouted as the four jumped off the rock and into the water. "WOOO!" Aiden shouted once he resurfaced.

Maddie swam over to Aiden and wrapped her arms around his neck. "That was fun." He smiled. "It was! Max and I jump off that rock every time we come here." Maddie replied brushing a piece of wet hair from Aiden's face. "What?" She asked noticing Aiden starring at her. "Nothing you're just... How are you so beautiful?" He asked. Maddie leaned her forehead against his. "I love you." She smiled before giving him a soft kiss. "Hey, you guys want to jump again?" Memphis yelled from behind the waterfall. "Want to do it again?" Maddie asked Aiden. "Let's do it." Aiden replied. "We're coming!" Maddie yelled as she and Aiden swam to the rocks behind the waterfall.

Later that afternoon, the group stopped at DQ to have some ice cream before heading back to the Martin siblings home. "Memphis, you coming to the cottage at some point next week?" Maddie asked. "Meg and I might come up for the day. It depends on our work schedules." He replied. "Yeah man, just shoot me a text for whichever day works for you and I'll se everything up." Max said as Memphis gave him a nod.

"What about you guys? Are you going to come up for a couple days?" Maddie asked looking over to Stella and Aiden. "I wish I could but I'm working all week while you guys are up at the cottage and then I leave for a two week family vacation." Stella replied. "Yeah, I think I'm bringing Willy and Felix up with me for a couple of days." Aiden replied. "Willy told me it was confirmed. You guys are pulling up for the last two days we're there." Max said.

Once they finally got home, it was pouring rain and Memphis had gone home to get some rest before his next shift at the fire hall. "You guys want to watch a movie?" Stella asked. "Sure!" The three replied. "Let's watch the new Jumanji." Max said as everyone found a spot and got comfortable. "Okay." Aiden agreed. "Cuddle time?" Maddie asked. "You know it babe!" Aiden replied as Maddie smiled up at him and they cuddled up close together.

"Oh by the way, before we start the movie, there's something that Aiden and I wanted to ask the two of you." Max said standing in front of the tv. "What is it babe?" Stella asked. "Well... We were going to surprise you but..." Max started. "Would the two of you be willing to go to Walt Disney world with us for a week?" Aiden finished as the two girls looked at each other with bright smiles appearing on their faces. "Oh my god! Of course we will!" The two girls exclaimed. "Good!"Aiden and Max replied in unison. "By the way we will be flying out and not driving." Max added. "That's fine." Stella replied. "Okay as much as I am excited to be going to Disney world with you guys for a week, could we please just start the movie now!" Maddie asked. "Wow that hurt!" Max joked. "Okay here we go." Stella said pressing the play button once Max had sat down.

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