Chapter 61

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After a few more jumps, they swam back to the boat and made their way back to the cottage. "I'm hungry man! Cliff diving got me wanting snacks now!" William said. "We've got plenty of food to snack on once we get back bro." Max replied as he steered the boat back in the direction of the dock.

"Anyone want a beer or anything?" Maddie asked. "I'll take one please!" Felix replied. "Yeah me too please." Aiden said. "Okay, Will did you want a drink?" Maddie asked. "Sure, what else you got other than beer?" he asked. " we've got twisted tea, smirnoff berry blast, breezers or pop shops vodka soda." Maddie replied. "I'll take whatever you're drinking please." Will said as Maddie went up to grab the drinks and help her brother bring down some snacks.

"So when you off to Arizona?" William asked as he, Felix and Aiden were sitting around a table just off the dock. "Next Friday's when we fly out." Aiden replied. "Maddie's never been out there yet has she?" Felix asked. "Nope, Friday will be her first time in Arizona." Aiden replied as Max and Maddie came back down to the dock with some food and drinks. "Alright one beer for you. A beer for you and a smirnoff berry blast for you." Maddie said giving the boys their drinks as they thanked her.

Dinner was now over and the boys were down at the water doing their own thing. Max and Will were fishing off the dock while Aiden attempted to master paddle boarding while Felix sat in a Muskoka chair laughing at him.

"Whatcha doing Mads?" Felix asked looking over at Maddie who was building a fire a few feet away. "Setting up the fire pit for tonight." She replied. "Want some help with that?" He asked getting up from the chair and going over to help her. "Sure." She said.

"So how was Martin bonding time the past couple of weeks?" Felix asked beginning to chop some more wood to put on the fire. "It's been great! I love spending time with my brother every chance I get. You know?" She replied with a smile. "Yeah, Max talks about you all the time and how proud he is of you and all your hard work. Did you know that?" Felix said. "Really?" She questioned. "Yeah, he's a pretty proud brother! I love heading all the stories he shares with me too." Felix replied. "I hope they aren't the embarrassing ones!" Maddie laughed. "Well... There are a few embarrassing ones but he mostly shares the ones about the times where he's being the protective big brother we all know he is or he's telling us about all your accomplishments." Felix replied.

Once the sun had gone down, the group had gathered around the fire with music playing in the background as they talked about the upcoming hockey season at the end of summer. "What are you looking at?" Aiden asked Maddie who had her eyes focused on the night sky. "Oh nothing. Just admiring the starry night sky we have trouble seeing back home." She replied. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked. "It sure is. It's one of my favourite parts about coming up here too. Max and I spend a lot of time sitting in the dock watching all the stars twinkle at night. You can even see how big the moon is some nights when it's completely clear skies." Maddie replied.

"Here, come and see." Maddie said getting up and pulling Aiden out of his seat to go over onto the dock. "Wow! You're right it is clearer out here." He said standing behind Maddie resting his chin in the top of her head as he wrapped both arms around her waist. "I could stay out here all night long if I wanted to." Maddie whispered. "Just wait until you come home to Arizona with me." Aiden replied. "The sky looks exactly like this but in the desert instead of on the lake." He added.

After the two weeks were up for sibling time at the cottage, they came back home and had done laundry before packing for their next trips. "Maddie, Aiden's here!" Max yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay, I'll be down in a couple of minutes!" She shouted back standing at the top of the railing and looking down at the two boys.

"You ready to go?" Aiden asked as Maddie came down the stairs with her suitcase. "Yep all packed and ready to roll!" She replied outgoing her bag down and slipping into her shoes. "Alright, you ready for me to drive you guys to the airport?" Max asked coming down the hall. "Yeah, I think we're ready now but you know you didn't have to drive us down. We could have take an Uber." Aiden replied. "I know but what kind of best friend would I be if I made you do that? Plus Stella's flight home comes in in about a few hours and I promised I'd pick her up." Max smiled. "Softie!" Maddie mumbled under her breath on the way out to the car. "I heard that!" Max shouted after her.

"Okay, here we are!" Max exclaimed pulling into a spot at the parking garage. Once the vehicle was turned off, the trio got out and grabbed their luggage from the trunk. "Towards gate 3 we go!" Maddie said as she rolled her bag behind her, walking towards the building. A few minutes later, they had arrived at the departures doors and stopped. "Well, I hope you guys have a safe flight out and when the plane lands, make sure you shoot me a text okay?" Max said giving his sister and Aiden a hug. "Will do chief!" Aiden smiled. "I'll miss you big M!" Maddie whispered. "I'll miss you too but I'll see you in a few weeks in Florida." Max replied. "Ready to check in?" Aiden asked as Maddie nodded. "Love you big M." she said looking back at Max. "Love you too little M." he replied.

As Max watched his best friend and his sister walk towards the departures door hand in hand, he held his phone up pointing the camera in their direction and snapped a picture. After capturing the picture, Max tapped Maddie's name in his contacts and texted her. I miss you already kiddo 😢 ♥️ it read as he sent it off to her along with the photo he had taken.

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