Chapter 20

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"Alright, I'm going to be in my room finishing my paper for school. So if anyone needs me that's where I'll be." Maddie said as she began to climb the staircase to the second level. "Okay, have fun!" Stella replied. "Mads what time do you have to be at JT's tomorrow?" Max asked shouting after his sister. "Eryn asked me to be there for 12 why? You want to come with me?" She replied halfway up the staircase. "Okay and I can if you want some company. Plus I don't have anything else to do tomorrow." Max replied. "Okay, I'm planning on leaving here around 11:30 so be ready to go!" Maddie replied.

"And done!" Maddie exclaimed falling back onto her bed and looking over to her alarm clock to read 12:30 am. "Can I come in?" A voice asked from the door. Maddie looked over at her door to see her boyfriend leaning up against the door frame. "Sure." She replied as Aiden moved towards her and sat on the edge of her bed. "Did you finish your paper for school?" He asked. "Yeah, I just finished actually." She replied. "What's Maxie and Stell up to?" She asked. "Max went to have a shower and Stella is reading a book." Aiden replied.

"And what are you up to?" She asked as Aiden leaned back against the pillow and placed an arm around Maddie. "I was just coming to see if you wanted to watch a movie with me." He replied with a smile on his face. "Sure, what are we going to watch?" Maddie asked as she turned on her tv and began to search for movies. "How about the Lion King?" Aiden replied as Maddie agreed pressing play in the movie before turning off the lamp on her night stand and getting all comfy by cuddling up to Aiden. "I'm sorry if I fall asleep during the movie. I'm just really tired tonight." Maddie said. "Don't worry about it cause I might just end up doing the same thing." Aiden replied before placing a kiss on Maddie's forehead. "Oh by the way.. did you want to come babysit Jace with me tomorrow?" Maddie asked. "I would love to but I can't tomorrow. I have a video interview I have to shoot for the league tomorrow." He replied before the opening credits to the movie popped up on the screen. "That's alright, Max is coming with me so I'm technically not going to be alone." She replied before putting her focus on the movie.

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