Chapter 59

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Once back at the cottage and groceries unpacked and put away, the siblings brought a drink cooler down to the dock with them and got the boat and seadoos out from the boathouse. "Want to go for a boat ride?" Max asked turning the boat engine off and tying it to the dock. "Sure." Maddie replied. "I'll grab the life jackets from the boathouse. Hold on a second." She said running to grab a couple of life jackets off the hook.

"Okay ready!" She exclaimed throwing the jackets onto the boat. "Come on Zeus. Let's go buddy!" Max said as Zeus lowly and carefully jumped onto the boat. "Alright here we go." Max said turning the boat on and backing out from the dock as Maddie finished untying the rope.

Once they were out on the lake, Maddie took a video to add to her Instagram story. "Want to stop at the sandbar for a swim?" Max asked slowing the boat down for a minute. "Yeah that's fine." Maddie replied as the boat sped up again.

Later that night, Max was sitting on the edge of the dock with Zeus by his side watching the sunset as Maddie quietly came down with two vodka sodas in hand. "I know you're there Mads." Max said still watching the sunset over the calmness of the lake. "Whatcha doing?" He asked. "Well I brought you down a vodka soda and was going to start a campfire but I think I'll join the two of you first." She replied sitting down on the other side of Zeus before giving Max his drink. "Oh and I also took this picture of you and Zeus watching the sunset." She added showing her brother the picture she took of Max and Zeus's silhouette on the dock. "I love that!" Max replied. "Can you send it to me?" He asked. "Already done buddy." Maddie replied.

The first week they were at the cottage had flown by. The brother and sister went waterskiing, on boat rides and rode the seadoos out on the lake. On Wednesday, they went into town for something to do and had ice cream before heading back to go for a swim. Now it was Friday and the end of their first week there. "Maxie what do you want to do today?" Maddie asked sitting down at the breakfast bar. "I don't know Mads, we can't really do anything outside today because it's raining but we could watch movies or something." Max replied. "Lazy day?" Maddie asked. "You've read my mind kid!" Max grinned as they both went and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv.

"Finding Nemo?" Maddie asked. "Sure thing mini me!" Max replied searching for the movie until he found it and pressed play. "You know, no matter how many times we've watched this movie, it'll always be one of my favourites." Maddie said. "Oh I know! You've been obsessed with it since '03." Max replied with a laugh. "What can I say, I'm a just a little kid at heart!" Maddie smiled.

"Alright now what do we want to do?" Max asked a few hours later once the movie was done. "Well we could play a game if you want or work on one of the many puzzles we own." Maddie said as Max put some re runs of Friends on the tv. "Nah, I'm not feeling competitive today. Let's just do a puzzle." He replied as he got up and went over to the games and puzzles closet to pick out the puzzle they would be working on today.

"Let's do this one." He said coming back with a 1000 piece puzzle of Toronto. "Okay, but first let's clear off the coffee table." Maddie replied as she moved the centre piece off of the table to make room for the big puzzle. "Want a drink before we start?" Max asked. "Sure, can you grab me a Pepsi please?" Maddie replied checking her phone as she waited for Max to come back. "Here you go." He said handing her the can before placing a bowl of chips on the table for them to snack on while they work on the puzzle. "Aiden, Will and Felix are coming up on Thursday." Max said. "What about Memphis?" Maddie asked. "He's going to let me know on Monday." Max replied.

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