Chapter 81

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It was halfway through the second period and the score was tied at 4 a piece. Toronto was on a power play and Cody was skating down the ice with the puck. Maddie snapped some photos before watching the next move. Cody passed the puck to Will who took a shot and lit up the goal light as the crowd erupted into a loud road. Maddie then quickly snapped some shots of the 5-4 lead the Rockets had taken.

Intermission soon came along and Maddie went back to the photo lab to switch SD cards. "I think they've got this one in the bag tonight!"  Jodie exclaimed with a smile on her face. "Don't say that too fast Jodie! The game's not over yet!" Maddie replied. "I know but I've got a good feeling about this one." She said before leaving the room.

Third period was about to start as Aiden took the face off against his opponent from the Walleye. The ref dropped the puck and the Washington centre man won the draw. The Rockets began to play defensively as the Walleye moved into their zone until Jacob intercepted a pass and took over puck possession, passing it back to Tyler. Tyler played with the puck before passing it up to Max who was wide open on the far side and waiting for a pass. "Go Max!" Maddie whispered to herself as she watched her brother skate up the ice with the puck.

It was a two on one and Max searched for options until he found an opening. He moved the puck between the defence man's feet and squeezed between the two before getting the puck back onto his stick and lining up for a shot on net. Two seconds later, the puck dinged off the crossbar and found its way into the back of the net. Maddie jumped up fist pumping the air as the crowd erupted in cheer. The score was now 6-4 lead against Washington and Maddie began to believe that Jodie was right about tonight's outcome.

"And there we have it folks! The winners of this year's championship playoffs, the Toronto Rockets!" The announcer shouted as the entire building erupted in cheer once the final buzzer sounded. "Yes that's what I'm talking about!" Maddie cheered jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face. She waited for everything to be set up for the presentation of the trophy before she went out to take pictures of the team.

"See I told you that I had a good feeling about tonight's game!" Jodie smiled standing next to Maddie before the two walked out onto the ice to take photos. Maddie walked towards centre ice were the team was still celebrating their victory while Jodie went to take pictures of the trophy. "Hey, there she is!" Max exclaimed skating towards his sister followed by Aiden. "We did it!" Max exclaimed. "And we couldn't have done it without you princessa." Aiden smiled as he picked Maddie up and spun her around. "I told you guys you'd do great!" She smiled. "Now let me get back to work... We can celebrate after!" Maddie said.

Once the trophy was awarded to the team, Maddie and Jodie snapped a few group shots of the team with their prize. "Wait, can we do one more?" Coach Scott asked. "Of course we can! Are you ready?" Jodie asked. "Maddie, come on over here and get in this photo!" Scott signalled to the younger Martin sibling as Maddie rushed over cautiously with her camera in hand and knelt down next to her brother. "Got it!" Jodie said after taking a series of photos.

Soon the players were joined on the ice by friends and family to celebrate the big win of the season. "Hijo, we're so proud of you mi amor!" Evie said giving Aiden a hug. "Here, let's take a family photo!" Alexandra said. "3...2...1 Cheese!" They said. "Mads, get in here girl!" Bianca exclaimed. Max snapped a quick pic for them before Stella and Memphis approached the group. "Congratulations babe!" Stella smiled placing a kiss on Max's lips before she handed James over to him. "Thanks babe!" He replied. "Hey little man." He cooed to his son. "You did it man!" Memphis said patting his best friend on the back.

"Here, let's sit James in the trophy and take a family photo." Max said before skating over and placing his son in the cup. "Mads, get in here!" Stella said as they took another family photo. "Can we do one just the two of us?" Maddie asked her brother. "Yeah of course we can." Max replied.

After many photos later, the boys had gone to change and Maddie went to download all of the game photos onto her laptop before the team went to Cody's for pizza and drinks to celebrate their big win.

"I am sooooo exhausted!" Maddie yawned plopping herself down in the bed once they got home from their big night of celebration. "Let's get some shut eye, you need it after the busy day we had." Aiden said pulling his shirt over his head. "I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick first!" Maddie said getting up and going towards the bathroom. "Babe, it's 3:30 in the morning, just have one tomorrow when you wake up." Aiden tried to reason with her.

"But I'm cold and feel disgusting!" Maddie whined. "Alright, whatever you wish I guess!" Aiden replied. "I guess I'll just have to wait for cuddles then." He added. "Yes you will!" Maddie replied.

When Maddie had finished having a shower, she changed into a pair of pj pants and a baggy tee shirt before getting into bed and cuddling into Aiden. "You played an amazing game tonight and I'm so proud of you bubs." Maddie whispered putting her forehead up against his. "You know I couldn't have done it without my beautiful good luck charm." He replied with a smile. "Now get some sleep okay. We both need it after the insane night we had!" Aiden said. "Je t'aime Aiden." Maddie said quietly. "I love you too princessa. Goodnight." He replied before they both drifted off to sleep.

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