Chapter 72

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"Ready to go?" Max asked coming down the stairs with his pillow and suitcase in hand. "Yeah just waiting on you." Maddie replied as she made sure she had all her camera gear in her bag. "Stella's here and waiting for us in the car by the way." She added. "Zeus already out and in the car?" Max asked slipping into his sneakers. "Yeah, the only thing that's not there yet is us and your bags. Now let's go!" Maddie replied as the both of them stepped out into the porch. "I'll lock up. You go out your bags in the back." Maddie said. "Alright. Make sure you set the alarm." Max replied going down to the car.

Maddie stepped back inside and set the house alarm before heading back out and locking the front door. As she made her way over to Stella's car, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. "Come on, get in Mads. Whoever it is that's texting you can wait!" Max exclaimed as his sister opened the rear passenger door and got in the back seat of the car. "No they can't wait because it's Aiden asking if we've left the house yet!" She replied as she responded to his text.

"Alright, you guys have fun on the four day road trip and go kick some ass while you're at it babe." Stella said putting her car in park as they arrived at the arena to meet the team. "I'll do my best but no promises love." Max replied before getting out of the car.

"Zeus get back here!" Maddie shouted as she chased after the dog through the parking lot. "Zeus!" She shouted again coming to a stop when she saw him stopped and standing in front of coach Scott and his two young daughters. "Lose something Marty?" Felix asked with a smile on his face when he saw Maddie standing in front of them putting the dog on his leash. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I opened the door to get out of the car and he just took off running!" She said a little bit embarrassed. "Oh no don't worry about it! He's fine and my girls love dogs!" Scott replied petting Zeus. "It's about time you guys got here!" Aiden said slinging his arm around Maddie.

"Yeah I had to wait for Max to finish getting his stuff together. That's why we were running late." Maddie replied. "That's okay, you're not that late. Some of the guys aren't even here yet and we leave in five." Aiden said.

A few minutes later, the team was loading onto the bus to start their road trip. "Bye Zeus be a good boy for Stell Alright buddy." Maddie said petting him and giving him a hug before being one of the last ones to load onto the bus.
"Your first team road trip! How does it feel?" Coach Scott asked as Maddie took her seat on the bus next to Felix. "To be honest, I don't know what to expect but I'm kind of excited about it." She replied. "Don't worry Maddie, the only thing you need to watch out for is the pranksters on this team." Felix said.

"So in other words you mean my brother? I know all of his tricks!" She replied. "Yeah you might know all of Max's tricks but you'll have to look out for Tyler and Monte's tricks!" Scott replied before sitting down in his seat across from Felix and Maddie.

"I see your black eye is almost completely gone. That's a good thing." Felix said starting small talk with her as the doors of the bus closed and the bus began to make its way out of the arena parking lot. "Yeah, it's been about a couple weeks now and it's finally almost all completely healed." Maddie replied.

"That's good." Felix said as he took his laptop out from his bag. "Want to watch a movie with me to pass some time on this long bus ride?" He asked. "Sure, what are we watching?" She asked. "Space Jam." Felix smiled pulling the movie up onto his computer screen.

Across the aisle from Felix sat William and Cody who were scrolling through their phones and playing some video games while Aiden and Max talked amongst themselves in the seats behind their two teammates. "So how's the wedding plans coming along for you and Stella?" Aiden asked. "They're coming along. Still got a few things to do but it's getting there." Max replied.

"Oh and Maddie told me that you asked her to move in with you when she spent the night a couple nights ago." Max added. "Yeah, I told her that I'd she wanted, she could move in on Friday if she wants." Aiden replied. "You know she's already started packing her stuff up." Max said. "Yeah she told me that you guys were going to leave her room set up for her so whenever we wanted to crash there when we hang out with you and Stella we could." Aiden replied. "Yeah, she's excited to be moving in with you man." Max said.

A few hours later, the bus pulled into a rest stop up in North Bay for the team to get out and stretch or grab a bite to eat. "I'm so hungry!" Maddie exclaimed. "Me too! I could use a good meal right about now." Felix replied. "I'm going in to grab a wrap and a smoothie. That should hold me over for a few hours." Maddie said as she followed Felix off the bus. "Hey, if you ever get hungry later, I packed some of our favourite snacks." Max smiled from behind Felix. "Good to know that great minds think alike!" Aiden said hopping off the bus behind Max. "Cause I brought some too." He added.

After a short rest, the bus was back on the road heading towards Winnipeg. "Want to watch Billy Madison now?" Felix asked looking over to Maddie who turned her head from the window with a smile. "No it's okay thanks. I'm going to have a nap and listen to some music." She replied. "Alright that's okay, just thought I'd ask." Felix replied with a smile.

Maddie put her earbuds in and started her playlist before leaning her head back on the window and watching cars go by before her eyes closed and she was off to sleep.

"Maddie wake up." A voice said tapping her shoulder. Maddie's eyes fluttered open as she looked out the window to see buildings and night lights. "Where are we?" She asked as she looked around before locking eyes with Aiden. "We're at the hotel our first road trip stop." He said. "In Winnipeg." Max added.

"Come on, everyone's already checked in. Coach is giving out room assignments right now but you get your own room because you're the only girl. But if you prefer to share a room I told coach that Aiden or I would share with you if you wanted to." Max said. "Let's just go to our assigned rooms for tonight. I'm exhausted and need some sleep." Maddie yawned before standing up and following the two boys out into the cold Winnipeg air and towards the entrance of the hotel.

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