Chapter 66

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Fast forward a couple months to the Toronto Rockets Saturday night home opener for the season. "Max come on we're going to be late!" Maddie shouted from the hall entrance. "I'm coming! I'm coming! I couldn't find my tie." He said rushing down the stairs adjusting his tie.

Maddie looked at her brother then adjusted his crooked tie. "There, that looks a lot better." She smiled. "Now let's go, you've got your game day routine to keep up before the game. She said as the two rushed out the front door. "You excited for your first day on the job?" Max asked as they drove off towards the rink. "You know it! Although I'm a little nervous too." Maddie replied. "Don't worry Mads, you're gonna be great!" Max smiled.

Once they pulled into their parking spot, the two made their way into the arena and towards the team locker room. "I'll see you in a bit. Gotta go find Brandon to let him know I'm here and all ready to work!" Maddie said before parting ways with her brother.

"Hey man!" Cody greeted as Max entered the dressing room. "Hey buddy, how's it going?" He asked as they sparked up a small conversations before both going over to their lockers to change into their workout clothes. "Max buddy, how's it going man?" Will asked approaching his locker. "Good how about you bud?" He asked. "Oh you know, same old!" William replied. "Hey A man!" They greeted as Aiden took a seat at his locker right next to Max's. "What's happening boys?" He asked.

"Oh you know, the usual game day routines." The two replied. "Hey, is Mads excited for her first day on the job?" Aiden asked. "Oh yeah, she starts today doesn't she?" Will asked. "Yep and she's a little nervous but mostly hyped up about it." Max replied. "She's definitely gonna rock it with her amazing photography skills!" Will said.

"Alright guess I better hit the gym for my pre game dry land workout." Max said before excusing himself from the conversation. "See you there in a few!" Aiden shouted after his line mate.

"How we doing over here?" Brandon asked standing next to Maddie who was down by the glass doing her job. "Good, loving it so far!" She replied. "That's awesome. At the end of the night before you head out, swing by my office. We'll have something for you." Brandon said before disappearing down the team tunnel.

As Maddie was snapping action shot after action shit while the play was in the zone, the boys were out on the ice creating plays and scoring goals in the second period giving them a 3-0 lead against their rivals, the Pythons. "Come on, come on, come on!" She whispered under her breath as Jacob skated into the zone with the puck on his stick. "Here we go." She said as the puck was passed to Max, then to Aiden , back to Monte and one more time back to Aiden.

"Shoot!" She whispered shouted as she continued to snap action shot after action shot. She watched as Aiden shot the puck towards the net before celebrating with his teammates as the puck found its way in the back of the net giving the Rockets a 4-0 lead. Maddie captured another picture of the celebration before Aiden's eyes landed on her. He smiled and pointed to her as in That one's for you. And Maddie quickly captured a shot of him smiling her way.

Once the second period was over, Maddie went down to the photography staff room to switch out her memory card for a new one seeing as it was full and she needed to upload the pictures onto her laptop to edit and post them on the team's social media page. When she finished that, she popped the card back into her camera and grabbed a water bottle before heading to a different spot in the arena to capture more action shots from a different angle. Once she found the right spot near centre ice, she set everything up and prepared herself for the third period action.

"Hey after the game, some of us are going out for some drinks, you guys down?" Cody asked Max, Aiden and William before they made their way out of the dressing room and down the tunnel. "Yeah sure." They replied. "The girls can come too. It'll be a celebration for Maddie's first day on the job and most likely a victory for our home opener." Cody said before stepping out onto the ice.

"Yeah sounds like a plan bro." Aiden replied before skating across the ice surface to the bench. He grabbed a quick drink and scanned his surroundings before spotting Maddie in the box between the team benches. "Hey, get your mind focused back on the game Stanley. Maddie's still going to be there after the game. Let's go!" Jacob said patting Aiden on the back and heading to centre ice for the third period puck drop.

After Maddie had taken another dozen photos in the beginning of the third period, she went up into the stands to sit with Stella to catch the rest of the game. "So how was your first day as a Toronto Rockets photographer?" Stella asked before sipping on her drink. "It was great! I got a lot of shots and I have to go see Brandon at the media office after the game." She replied. "Oh, do you have some work you have to finish up?" Paige, Cody's girlfriend asked. "No, he said they had something for me." Maddie replied.

"Goal scored by the Montreal Pythons' number 13 Bailey Maxwell!" The announcer said as the crowed booed. The score was now 4-2 and Cody was in the penalty box. "Man Paige, didn't know you had a goon for a boyfriend!" Maddie laughed. "Yeah and neither did I!" She replied with a laugh. "But he's actually just a big softie! Cody wouldn't hurt a fly!" She added with a smile.

After the game was finished, they announced the three stars of tonight's game. "Your first started of tonight's game, number 31 for the Toronto Rockets... Felix Andrews!" The announced said as the remaining people in the crowd cheered. "Alright, as much as I'd like to stay and see who the other two stars of the night are, I've got to go down to the media office to grab my stuff and see what Brandon has for me. I'll meet you guys down by the locker room." Maddie said before leaving and making her way down to the office.

"Wooo! First win of the season boys!" Tyler cheered. "Wooo!" "Yeah boys!" Were  heard throughout the locker room as the boys began to get changed. "Great game out there tonight gentlemen. Let's bring that same energy to Monday night's game against Vancouver!" Scott said before going around the room and fist bumping each player's hand.

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