Chapter 28

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"Morning boys!" Stella said walking into the kitchen and over to the coffee pot. "Morning." They both replied. Stella poured her coffee into a mug and grabbed a yogurt and banana from the fridge before sitting down at the island. "Am I dropping Mads off on campus today" Stella asked as Max turned from what he was doing. "No it's okay, I'll do it on my way to practice this morning." Max replied. "Mads has class today?" Aiden asked tuning into the conversation. "Yeah just an 8am this morning." Max replied.

"Morning guys." Maddie greeted with a yawn, taking an apple from the fruit bowl. "Morning." The boys replied in unison. "Where's Stella?" She asked. "She's running a little bit behind on getting to work this morning." Max replied. "So I'm guessing you're driving me to my 8am on your way to practice then?" She asked. "Yes ma'am!" Max replied with a big toothy smile. "Now finish up so we can go on our morning run before we have to leave." He said as Maddie ate her breakfast. "Speaking of practice, I'm going to run home and grab my equipment. I'll see you at the rink." Aiden said to Max. "And I'll see you at some point after your class." He added pointing to Maddie. "Alright see you later A." She replied.

After Max and Maddie took Zeus in their morning run, the two changed clothes before getting into the car and heading towards the college campus. Once there, Max stopped in front of the main building to drop Maddie off. "So I'll see you at the rink after class yeah?" He asked as Maddie nodded. "Yeah, I'll text to let you know when I get there. She replied.

"Okay have fun in class." Max said. "Thanks I'll try. Have fun at practice!" Maddie replied rolling her eyes. "Bye" they both said before Max drove off to the arena while Maddie walked towards the building.

When Maddie got to her class, she took a seat at her normal spot at the end of the second row. "Hey Maddie!" Kylie greeted before setting her bag down and sitting in the empty seat beside her best friend. "Hey Kye." She replied as the door opened and more students filed into the classroom. "Did you submit that assignment for our creative writing class" Maddie asked. "Yeah I submitted mine this morning. You?" Kylie replied. "I finished mine and submitted it a couple days ago." She said.

"Good morning everyone!" The professor greeted setting his books down on the desk. "Morning" mumbled the students in reply. "Shall we get started on today's lesson?" He asked opening the lesson slides on his laptop. "Looks like we're learning about giving photo descriptions today." Kylie whispered as the professor began to teach the class.

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