Chapter 84

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Fast forward a week later and the Stanleys had arrived home from their honeymoon. "Max and Stell said they were here but I don't see them." Maddie said as she scanned the crowd for her brother and his wife. "Hey babe, I think I found them." Aiden said pointing towards the entrance to the airport where Max and Stella stood with a welcome home sign.

Aiden and Maddie zigzagged their way through the crowd before finally reaching the pair. "Hi!" Stella exclaimed in a high pitched voice giving Aiden and Maddie a hug. "Welcome home you guys!" Max greeted as he gave his sister a hug before moving along to his best friend and doing their handshake. "So how was it?" Stella asked. "It's such a beautiful place to be! We loved it there so much we didn't want to leave!" Maddie replied as the four walked back to the car. "Where my little man?" Maddie asked noticing that her nephew wasn't there. "He's with my brother this afternoon." Stella replied. "Yeah, he wanted to have down time with James since he doesn't have baseball today." Max replied.

After Max and Stella had dropped them off at home, Aiden and Maddie unpacked their suitcases. "I'm going to throw a load of laundry in." She said throwing clothes into the washing machine. "Okay, I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick." Aiden replied before disappearing down the hall. After Maddie had started the washing machine, she texted Aiden's family to let them know that they were back home.

Maddie laid down on the couch and scrolled through her Instagram for a while before deciding to post a picture of her and Aiden watching the Hawaiian sunset on the beach. "Nap time!" She said to herself before turning off her phone and getting comfy. A few minutes later, Aiden came back into the living room. "Hey babe wha-." He stopped mid sentence when he saw his wife fast asleep on the couch. Aiden walked over and covered her with a blanket before sitting down in one of the comfy chairs and turning on the tv to watch some sports.

"Oh my god this is so exciting! I'm going to be an auntie!" Alexandra exclaimed hugging her brother and Maddie. "I can't wait to meet the little nugget!" Bianca said. After a few months of being home from their honeymoon, Aiden and Maddie had found out that they were pregnant and today their families, friends and the team had all gathered at Max and Stella's house for the gender reveal party.

"Alright everyone, it's time for the mother and father to reveal if baby Stanley's going to be a boy or a girl!" Stella announced as Max handed Aiden a hockey stick and placed a puck down gently in front of him. "Okay, is everyone ready?" Stella exclaimed as woos and yeahs were shouted through the backyard.

"Alright, on the count of three, Aiden's going to take a slap shot and Maddie's going to pop the confetti canon. Ready?" Max said. "Ready as I'll ever be buddy!" Aiden said adjusting his jersey. "Mads, you ready?" He asked. "Oh I'm so ready!" She replied rubbing the Rockets logo where her baby bump was. "Okay, 1...2...3!" They all shouted as Aiden took a shot and Maddie let the confetti canon off.

"IT'S A BOY!" Aiden shouted as he raised his hands in the air before running over to Maddie with tears of joy filling both their eyes. "We're having a baby boy!" Aiden exclaimed wrapping his wife in a hug and giving her a kiss. "We're having a little boy." Maddie whispered into Aiden's shoulder as they stood there for a moment taking in the big milestone of their life.

"Congratulations sis! I can't wait to meet my baby nephew. I'm so happy and excited for you guys!" Max said giving his sister a hug before going over to Aiden and giving him a bro hug. "Aaahhh girl!!!! Congratulations!!! Now James will have a boy cousin to play hockey with!" Stella exclaimed hugging the pair. "Yeah now they can have fathers vs. cousins games when they're older!" Maddie laughed.

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