Chapter 32

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Around 2am, Maddie went over to the beer pong table where Aiden and Felix were up against Cody and Will. "Hey babe, what's going on?" Aiden asked wrapping an arm around Maddie. "I'm getting tired." She replied. "Alright, we can leave after this round. Felix just has to get one more cup then the game's over." Aiden replied. "Alright." Maddie said leaning into Aiden who placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Woohoo!" Felix shouted in victory with his hands in the air.

After saying bye to everyone who was still there, Aiden and Maddie got into the car and were off to Aiden's place. "Have fun tonight?" He asked looking over to Maddie who was sound asleep with her head against the window. "I guess I'll take that as a yes then." He said to himself as he took a left turn out of the parking garage.

Aiden pulled into his parking spot in the parking garage of his apartment building a few minutes later and turned off the car. He got out and went around to the other side to grab Maddie's bag before opening the passenger door and picked up the sleeping girl bridal style to carry her up to his apartment.

When he got upstairs and unlocked the door to his apartment, Aiden placed Maddie down on his bed before he grabbed some sweats to change into. "Where am I?" Maddie's tired voice asked as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. "You fell asleep on the way home so I carried you up to my place to let you sleep." Aiden replied. "I brought your overnight bag in for you too." He added. "Thank you." She replied as she sat up on the edge of the bed before getting up to go change in the bathroom.

"Whatcha doing?" Maddie asked coming out of the bathroom in a pair of plaid pj shorts and a Toronto Rockets tee shirt. "Just texting Max to let him know we made it back safely."
Aiden replied as Maddie lifted the sheets up and got underneath them before placing her head on Aiden's bare chest. "Alright, let's catch some zzz's." He said turning off the light that sat on the nightstand before pulling Maddie closer to him. "Goodnight Aiden, I love you." Maddie whispered closing her eyes. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you too." He replied.

The following morning it was pouring rain in the city of Toronto as Aiden and Maddie were slowly waking up to start their day. "Good morning princessa." Aiden said with a raspy morning voice. "Good morning sleepy head." She replied in a whisper. "What should we do today?" He asked as Maddie took a minute to think. "Well it's raining outside so it's kind of a shitty day. Why don't we have a lazy day today?" She replied. "Alright lazy day it is then!" Aiden said. "But first, I'm making breakfast." He smiled as he sat up and checked his phone. "Okay." Maddie replied.

The two went from the bedroom and made their way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. "You cook the bacon and pancakes and I'll cut the fruit." Maddie said opening the door to the fridge and grabbing some strawberries and apples.

"Not bad babe." Maddie said taking a bite of her chocolate chip pancakes. "Don't know who told you I couldn't cook cause it's partially true but I do make a mean taco dish!" Aiden said. "What are you talking about? I didn't say you couldn't cook!" Maddie laughed. "Max told you I couldn't cook didn't he?" Aiden asked. "Yep it was him." Maddie replied. "Of course it was!" Aiden said rolling his eyes.

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