Chapter 64

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It was now the last day in Arizona for laddie and Aiden before they flew out to Orlando to meet up with Stella and Max. "So what do you want to do today beautiful?" Aiden asked as Maddie looked up at him. "Well I'm really enjoying this cuddling session we're having right now. But I think you promised me a road trip to the Grand Canyon before we left Arizona." She replied with a smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be going there this afternoon. My sisters are gone there for the day and I told them we'd meet them there around 3:30pm so we can hike then go back to the truck and watch the sunset." Aiden smiled. "But what about the canyon at night with all the stars?" Maddie asked. "Don't worry... I've got that covered too." Aiden replied giving his girlfriend a wink. "But for now let's just enjoy this cuddle session for a little while longer." He added.

Later that afternoon after they had lunch, Alex came out to the backyard to tell her brother that they were off to the Canyon when she noticed the couple was asleep on the lounge chair. "Aiden wake up... B and I are headed out." She said as Aiden woke up and nodded trying his best not to wake Maddie. "See you guys later and text when you get there so we can meet you." Alex said. "Okay drive safe." He replied as Alexandra left and Maddie began to wake up.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." Aiden smiled as Maddie hit his arm and smiled. "Want to go for a swim?" He asked getting up from the chair. "Sure." Maddie replied. "Give me a minute to see if the waterMs warm enough before I get in." She added. "Nope, we're not playing that game today!" Aiden exclaimed picking Maddie up and putting her over his shoulder. "It's a heated pool so you don't have to worry about it!" He said. "Aiden put me down!" Maddie demanded. Aiden threw Maddie into the pool and when she resurfaced, she saw Aiden standing there, a big smile on his face.

"Aiden Taylor Stanley, that was NOT funny!" Maddie exclaimed. "But I got you in the pool did I not?" He laughed as Maddie rolled her at at him. Soon Aiden was in the pool too followed by Fido who decided that he too wanted to cool off.

"Ready to head out?" Aiden asked. "Yeah I'm ready." Maddie replied coming down the stairs in a pair of ripped jeans and one of Aiden's hoodies. "Let's go then." He said opening the front door and letting Maddie go before him so he could lock up.

When they arrived at the Grand Canyon, Aiden parked the truck at the lookout where they would later watch the sunset and stargaze once night fell. "Vamanos!" Maddie exclaimed taking Aiden's hand in hers, leading the way to the hiking path that leads tot he gorge below. "Okay Dora!" Aiden laughed. "Who you calling Dora?" Maddie questioned raising an eyebrow. "You cause you're acting like her, speaking Spanish and carrying that backpack." Aiden replied.

A few minutes later, Maddie and Aiden had found themselves down by the gorge. "Alex and B said that they're sitting on a couple of big rocks along the river bed. So see if you can spot them." Aiden said as both their eyes scanned around for Aiden's sisters. "There they are over there taking selfie's." Maddie said pointing to them down the path as they began to walk towards them.

"We thought you two weren't going to make it!" Alex said turning to her her brother and Maddie behind them. "And we thought the two of you were meeting us halfway. So looks like we both got disappointed here." Aiden replied sitting down on a rock. "Haha very funny big brother!" Bianca replied sarcastically. "Well, should we get to exploring?" Maddie asked her her hands on her hips.

"If that's what you want to do then let's go Dora." Aiden smiled as Maddie gave him an annoyed look. "Dora?" Alexandra questioned in confusion. "When we got here, she took my hand and said vamanos. Plus she's carrying a backpack with her camera and stuff in it. And did I mention she loves going on adventures? So yes, that's where the nickname comes into play." Aiden replied as his sister looked at him and rolled their eyes laughing as Maddie kept walking.

After exploring the gorge , the four of them made their way back to the lookout where they were parked. "B and I are going to head out now." Alex said as she unlocked her car. "Alright, we'll see you guys at home then." Aiden said as his sisters got into the car. "Bye, have fun!" Bianca shouted from the window as Alex backed out of her parking space and drove away.

"I'm just going to find the washroom, I'll be back in a few minutes." Maddie said before making her way towards a building a few feet away from the parking lot. "Okay, I'll be here waiting for you." Aiden replied.

While Maddie had gone to find the washroom, Aiden began to set up a blanket in the bed of his truck followed by some pillows and a picnic basket he brought with them. Once he had finished setting everything up, he took a picture and sent it to his sisters in their family group chat. How does this look? He texted. A few quick seconds later, Aiden received a response from the two feeling accomplished.

"I'm back!" Maddie said as she stopped in her tracks to look up from her phone. "Well... Surprise!" Aiden smiled when he turned around to see Maddie's reaction. "Aiden, what is all of this?" She asked on the verge of happy tears. "I figured we'd have a cute sunset picnic in the bed of the truck." He replied. "You're so cute... I love you!" Maddie exclaimed giving her boyfriend a hug before pecking his lips with a kiss. Maddie then snapped a picture with her camera.

"I also thought it would be way more comfy and cozy to stargaze this way later tonight once the sun goes down." He said placing his arm around Maddie who wrapped both her arms around his waist. "It's perfect and beautiful. I love it!" She replied with a smile going from ear to ear.

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